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About Macar

  • Birthday 01/12/1985

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  1. Ung- I'm a vocalist so vocal injury, which is easy to do, is an ever looming foe. This semester I had a huge disaster when a cold whiped out my voice on the week of a performance... It's the worst thing that's ever happened to me in my career.
  2. Thanks for writing this! I've always thought that some of the complexity that they leave out of most pop music genres (like only ever writing in one meter) is just laziness rather than something necissary for the stlye- and here's living proof :D
  3. Thanks for the feedback Well apperanly I failed to make my form clear :P I was going for ABAB A' AB- sonata form. The first part where the clarinet gets the melody is supposed to be B. Oh well, it was my first go at really organising a piece by form. As for the sounds- yes, I wanted to try to tweak some the parts where the trumpets stick out like sore thumbs, but I got tired of working on it, so I moved on. I'm using GPO- and I'm definately getting better (my first attempts with it were not very good) and I think I will get still better as I continue with it. Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment. It's greatly appreciated. Bonus points for you sir :D
  4. Geeze, nothing better written since Fux? I'm sorry to be a nit picker here- but "song" is usualy a solo and not a choral work, and a requiem is definately not a song. ;)
  5. It shows that you are singing- I can honestly say that I've seen a lot of my composer coleages set some really non-idiomatic vocal lines but this works. I think the repeated notes are great because they give the singer a chance to show of perfect tone, diction and some phrazing- especial since they're singing about a good singer :P I agree with oingo86 about the word stresses. The so's arent that big of a problem, but silvry really loses it's anamatpoetic (spelling?) quality with the stress so strongly put on the weak sylable. Great to see someone writing some nice, singable artsongs, though. keep it up!
  6. A very intersting concept- rescoring a clip like that. I like your opening theme- but I thought there were parts where it seemed like the action wasnt being refelcted in the music. Like the first time she answers the phone- there wasnt any change in the music. There are three things I always keep in mind when writing scary music: maybe they'll be usefull to you. 1. Anticipation/silence: people are afraid of the dark, and people are affraid of silence. For a cheap trick you can always throw in a subito FFFFFF to make people pee themselves. 2. Disorientation: Just my way of saying that wierd tonality throws people off base, and makes them naturaly uncomfortable. A friend of mine swear by 12-tone as a means of evoking fear. 3. The unknown: it's a well known fact is that this is at the basis of most fears- the same applies to music. I always try to throw in wierd instrumental techniques that people wont know what they are- not to mention extra-musical sounds. Think about things like that wierd creaking sound in chain-saw masacre, or freddie's claw scraping noise- that scares you because your not really sure what it is in the begining, and your mind is saying, "wtf is that, and what's it going to do to me?"
  7. In another one of my gaming projects I've set out to write one peice for each of the deities of this particular game world. There are 12 in all, and I'm hoping to make the peices function as a sort of coheasive whole- grouping them as four sets of three- since there are three gods asociated with each of the 4 elements. This movement is for Jeryall, a goddess of fertility and harvest. She fits most of the roles of an archetypal mother goddess; ususaly benevolant, ascociated with both the bearing of children and a plentiful harvest, and improtant protector of women. Bonus points to the first person to anylise the form of the peice ;) The lady of the cup - Putfile.com
  8. That
  9. just for the record, what is ARIA? Other than those songs I sing...
  10. Hey, thanks for the pointers. I wont try to defend my harp part- I'm not suprized to hear that it's not practicle and it's to loud. I would have liked to spend more time on it- learning how the instrument really works but alas I needed to get the peice done. I will keep the things you said in mind for next time though. Thanks for the melodic pointers too- listening to the peice again with those things in mind I can see what you mean.
  11. The strings do seem quite different than the other two, both of which have a very lighthearted air. If by educational, you mean it's intended for kids, I think those two are going to work well. the third one does seem the most aimless to me, but it's okay if that's what you want- open ended games almost need aimless muisc. That one sounds like it could be a dream sequence or the ending of something (not a very happy one).
  12. ah, well the choice to use it for scene changes was the director's- I'm just giving them music and it's up to them what they do with it. I'm suprized you say that a lot is happening. It's really just ABA in my mind- and barely a B at all since it's the same material. If anything I felt like I needed a different idea than the first one. Any other opinions?
  13. I think it would really benifit with a nice counter-melody. I think there's too much Melody/accomaniment going on. Also, this is just me, but I like the "classical oboe" sample better for this than the modern one. The classical one is a little more nasal and ethnic sounding. I agree with most of the good coments, I liked the types of ornaments and the wonderfull dancelike quality that is so associated with Egypt. By the way, if you have access to the Naxos database, try checking out a CD called The music of ancient egypt- might give you some inspiration.
  14. This is a followup to my previous post in this thread where I posted the Lullaby from midsummer night's dream. As I explained last time- I'm providing some tracks for the production which is set in ancient Greece (as the text describes). Anyway, this will likely be scenechange music. AthenianPastorale - Putfile.com Please, critisize.
  15. Please don't call it a song if it's not a song :( Sorry, that's just a bit of a pet peeve of mine as a singer. I did really like the peice though, I like the orchestration. As rob said, it does need to go somewhere else. PS- by the way, it seems the best way to get some constructive feedback around here is to come out with a big boastfull title- then everyone gives you real crits trying to cut you down to size, while the humble get nothing :P
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