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About XxCransworthxX

  • Birthday 03/08/1993

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    Hey! I'm Matt. You'll love me. Seriously. I'm awesome.
  • Location
    Georgia (As in, the US State)
  • Interests
    Composing. That's about all I do.

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  1. I'll give it a shot.
  2. Thanks for commenting! Yeah, like I said, the last section - especially the last chord - was something I still needed to work out. I like the idea of the flourish at the end. I'll definitely try that out when/if I recreate/recover it. Thanks for the input!
  3. I've always loved folk songs. This is actually one of my favorite folk songs, and I decided to arrange it for concert band. However, a few months ago I had a big computer crash, and I didn't have the score to this piece backed up, and so now all I have is the audio file. I was thinking about trying to re-arrange this piece some time in the near future (or take my hard drive to a guy who may be able to get the lost Finale files back), so I just wanted to post this piece and get feedback for if I ever try to write a piece with this folk song again....or if I recover the file. I was still working on the end section, including the last chord of the piece. Maybe one day I'll be able to finish it. So....let me know what you think! I'm sorry that there's no score. Gravel Walk (Unfinished)
  4. Actually, lots of rock music uses I V IV V. It's really sad.
  5. I would probably shoot anyone who wrote a piece in Cbb major.
  6. Well, if you wanna write rock music, just repeat a I-V-IV-I progression over and over again with drum hits on 2 and 4. (Obviously it's in 4/4). (Before stupid people try to attack me: I'm kidding, okay? I know not all rock music does that.)
  7. I like key signatures. My favorite key signatures: Eb Major d minor The Eb major chord is most likely the great major triad in existence. It just sounds so happy and nice and warm and cozy and majestic and graceful and wonderful.
  8. Would I be able to just buy silver now and then upgrade to gold later? If I did that, wouldn't I be able to get both Silver's choir and Gold's orchestra?
  9. I wasn't saying that they discover emotion or anything... I'm sorry. I guess I was kinda misunderstanding what you were trying to get at. You used aesthetics and emotion so much in your first post, and the two seem so closely related. Anyway, I just like Romanticism. Not because of my age, but because it sounds good. I listen to music, for the most part, because I like how it sounds. I honestly can't stand those 9-hour generically romantic violin concerti (most of the time). But most Romanticism I just like. It's okay if you don't like it. I mean, most people I know hate all "classical" music (but then again, they are generalizing without giving it a chance or realizing how many different types of "classical" music exist). I don't like most of the music they listen to. That's fine. I guess everyone just listens to music for different reasons.
  10. Yeah right. As if my marching band buddies would care about this at all. All they care about is getting fast 16th notes. :( I honestly would have been fine if you hadn't included the whole "I know you're 15 and that's all you know how to do." That just kinda bugged me a little. Not because I'm acting like a typical 15-year-old rebellious teen who's trying to prove something, but because your sort of being prejudice and generalizing due to my age.... Actually, never mind. This is probably gonna get off topic from the original point of the thread. Just...being adult doesn't mean being serious all of the time. It's not wrong to have fun with stuff, even if you don't agree with the person with whom your taking. Yeah, I know, but it's true. Gays and Jews make great composers. It's too bad I'm only 50% of that. Anyway, certain aspects I do agree with, but before I go on, I just have a question. What exactly are you saying you don't like about the aesthetics of Romanticism? Is it, like, how they go about creating emotion? Is it just polyphony?
  11. No. The first part of it was a joke (thus the bad grammar at the end and the "jkjk" in the poorly-hidden color.) The second part is my musical taste, which you should still respect even if it is different from yours. Yay!
  12. If I did then I would be a gay/bisexual Jew, which is pretty much the formula to becoming a great composer. Edit: Also, I'm sorry. I just can't. My love is for Vaughan Williams. :(
  13. Hmm...that's an interesting idea. You explanation sounds really good (not that compositions need to have an explanation or anything). You captured that well, though. Good job. :thumbsup:
  14. People who don't like Romanticism have no emotion. The end. close thread plox> (jkjk) But seriously, so far Romanticism (early, mid, late, neo) has been the only period that's made me cry. Well, other than modernism, but that's for a different reason....I like Romanticism.
  15. Hmm...just out of curiosity, why did you choose atonality to convey the story of Scylla and Charybdis?
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