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  • Birthday 04/09/1987

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  1. I have been busy moving into college and all that, so I didn't see this until today. I would like to participate in this contest since I have never written a full choral piece.
  2. Well, I don't know who the other people are, but I can tell you that I'm Paul B.
  3. Accually you only have 7 emails you need to look at. I sent two because I found a mistake in the first one I sent. :) Anyways, good luck to everyone!
  4. I sent mine to Thomas. Unlike everyone else, I'm not too happy with my piece. Of course mine is called Encounter with the Fiend so it's not exactly a happy piece. :D
  5. Thanks for changing it. MUCH BETTER! I think I will leave this post. It is getting a little hostile here. ;)
  6. Yea it's boring, but it's only this persons first song. beau_rl: I'm sure if you work on the piece, especially the melody, I song would be much better. Explain piece. Jeremiah Hong: After seeing your clown picture for awhile I have to say it freaks me out. lol I don't know why but it's kind of creepy. >_< I have trouble trying to decide if the clown wants to hug or kill me...or worse...both.
  7. You can do what you want. IF this song was finshed and you were just seeing how it was then leave it alone. If you were looking on making a piece better then you can fix it. I will tell you what I normmally do, leave it alone if it's already finished and try to write a better piece next time. It's ok about not knowing theory, I didn't know theory when I started composing at age 14 and didn't know theory until age 17-18.( I'm 19) How old are you by the way? You seem like a young person.
  8. Don't get me wrong, but I found it kind of boring. It needs a well established melody not just chords. All you have right now are arpedeos and a sometimes interesting chord progression. Again got take me the wrong way, it's a good start, but it needs work on a melody.
  9. The part where the cornet played the high note doesn't sound bad, but it might kill the player. :blush: I still think it could be fixed at that other part, but ok. Yes, it does end too early. You are good at producing melodies, but you don't expand on them. Try changing the melody around, adding more, develop it. I wouldn't use the key signature change at the end so early if you didn't develop at all. You use the melody and instead of changing it you go a few steps high basically repeating the melody. Is this your first or second song? Good luck!
  10. I'm not a brass player, but this is pretty good for a first song. (I did play trumpet in freshman band though) I definitely like the beginning and end the most. The middle is interesting. You seemed to have crunched too many notes together. Maybe try using less instruments there and less notes. It doesn't sound terrible because it always isn't crunchy. Now that I thing about it, the problem might be that you sustain notes with one or two instruments and then change chords while they are still sustaining. The sustained notes aren't in the chord you want and it sounds strange. IT's good you gave the instrumentation because I was wondering why the trumpet and french horn went that high. :)
  11. Thanks for your comments montpellier :) I do back-up my stuff, I just get lazy and don't do it as often as I need to :P I'm glad it doesn't sound like Mozart. I didn't think it did either I was just writing a tribute to Mozart. I guess it was because of Mozart's 250 Anniversary of his birth, that I just found out about a month ago, that the contest is going on. Why didn't you guys do a contest here for him. I'm pretty sure that the 3rd always needs to be used. I took music theory and it should be in there, but what chord are you talking about? I don't play any stringed instrument. The F double-sharp was used because it fits in the chord I want, D F## A. To have a D G natural A would e something else. I can see the problem in the other bars later one though. Maybe it should be different, but I didn't know what to use so I just used F natural and F sharp.
  12. Oh this is where you sign up! Sign me up then. Hopefully I can make some time to do this.
  13. 1. Techniques used I guess I was going towards more of a Mozart sound. I don't know if I quite did that though. 2. How long it took to compose the piece It was composed in about 4 1/2 hours but it was over a month since I work with many pieces at a time. 3. Structure of your piece It's a trio of course. I tried to follow a simple format of a short intro and then AB sections with a little development. 4. Obstacles when composing Almost none except I lost most of this file when switching to a new computer (yeah! laptop for college!) This song came to me fairly easy. I'm not to happy with the ending though. 5. Summary of overall piece This was written for a Mozart tribute. It is a little contest held by Myriad Software (Harmony and Melody Assistant). I'm not sure what else to say, except it is based on Mozart. Oh, the piece is called The Child Prodigy because I couldn't think of a better name. Mp3 String_Trio.pdf
  14. Hey, your really good at what you like to do. I couldn't find anything I didn't like and thought the piece was surprisingly not repetitive. I'm very glad that you can write your classical music and not care what people think, and only do it to make people happy. You are very gifted! Now that I think about it, it reminds me a lot of professors at colleges. I went to University of Illinois for an interview to get into theory/comp and they ended up turning me down. (I guess my music wasn't "crazy"or "different" enough for them.) It got me to thinking about what people want and how arbitrary it is. I bet they would even bash you for not being original. Oh yeah, with the composition program I am using, Harmony Assistant, they have a contest going on right now for a "Tribute to Mozart". The winner gets "The Mozart Complete Works in 170 CDs". It's to bad you don't have Harmony because you would definitely win. But that means, if I enter it, I have a chance to win. :w00t: Paul
  15. Like Thomas, I though your updated piece was much improved than the first. I enjoyed it very much...and I almost had a tear come to my eye after reading the beginning of The Mayor of Casterbridge. No, but really it's good...I might even get around to reviewing it further. As to what Benjamin Lines and Matusleo have said about no style in this piece, maybe you should tell them the first thing you did with the piece.(you know the movie thing) Even though I have not read the book, I have looked around for things about it and it seems to fit the it nicely. Because I have not read the book I can sometimes imagine a story around your piece. :happy:
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