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Yagan Kiely

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About Yagan Kiely

  • Birthday 02/28/1989

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  • Biography
    I am currently a moderator for the IMSLP forums. See blog for more details
  • Location
    Perth, Western Australia

Yagan Kiely's Achievements

Rising Star

Rising Star (9/15)

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  • Seven Years in
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  1. So if I touched your arm several times an held the touch for various lengths of time that would be:Pitch? Not rhythm?
  2. Mozart's late string quartets (and other chamber works) are getting rather complex and chromatic. And while the harmonies and theory of his piano sonatas are simple, the small (tiny) things he does are rarely done by any other composers - they are actually quite complex though overlooked in analysis.
  3. You can find the Rimsky-Korsakov and Strauss edited Berlioz online at various places.
  4. VARIATIONS Prototype: Online Musical Scores Mozart Full Scores Wager Operas might help
  5. Accents aren't necessarily louder, they are stressed. This could mean a down-bow, a degree of pontecello, merely vibrato or any form of differentiating the accented notes from the others often in the form of timbre changes as well as the obvious dynamic changes.
  6. You can try and become a Composition Lecturer and get pieces played and performed on the side. Very arguable. I know people who are only writing music because they know people, and there circle of friends are all into the same music and are 'coincidentally' all on the music panel for government grants giving each other free government money for nothing. Having a personality that is marketable, meaning not normal can also help. Fake, and crap but welcome to capitalism.
  7. I have around 60, haven't counted lately. A few are unfinished but still extensive. I don't like cheating the system and waiting until I write a 'great' work until I label it my first work. I'd rather people see the history of my works and how I progressed. I want them to see how crap I started!
  8. I absolutely hate discussion. I just wish everything was happy and everyone loved everything (And pretended bad stuff didn't exist). Does anyone else see a problem with stifeling discussion and only saying "I like this"? Discussions can only happen when there are two opposing(ish) parties. Utopias can't exist and are boring.
  9. It isn't dead, it is dying. Taking a while to.
  10. You know, performers and composers make more money from their pieces being well known than from CD sales. So, while downloading pieces [may] (slightly) hurts mega-corporations, the artists at worst not effected. A lot of forums have [stupid] rules where if you mention warez (sp?) you get the ban hammer.
  11. OMG wtf?lol 1337 Seriously, look at the music for more than the first two chords.
  12. Much like 8ves sometimes dottedish lines can show an accel, but they aren't the most common notation.
  13. There is [currently] no lawsuit.
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