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About Wolf_88

  • Birthday 06/19/1988

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    Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
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    Music (any kind), composition, arts, oriental martial arts, swords and other cold steel weapons...

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  1. haha, glad too see ya so keen on helping ^^ but as i said, we are still in the making phase... no action yet i'm afraid, though experimentation would be useful ;)
  2. I really like your piece! :D its fun, chaotic and the rhythm changes are very effective. I also like the woodwind sonorities around measures 71-75. the timpani line is cool but seems bloody hard... you would maybe need 2 timpani sets to be able to perform it :P Measure 82 is a really big contrast... maybe a bit too contrasty, but you go back to evilness and the abrupt ending awesomely ^_^ Keep beeing pissed at teachers and you'll be the craziest music maker alive :)
  3. My friend Anders and I have started to formulate a new concept in artistic/musical expression and we are looking for people willing to help us! We don't really ask for support at the moment, we'd just like to ask some general questions to people that do any form of art. If you'd like to take part in a revolutionary concept, or you're just sick of the music you've been hearing so far, then you are probably our kinda guy. :) We decided against putting questions here for a debate, instead i'd like to invite you to add me or anders to MSN or Yahoo. If I provoked your curiosity, add us and we'll talk! Wolf_88: yahoo - vukotic_vuk; MSN - cooldudehere2005@hotmail.com Anders: yahoo - catsrulethisworld; MSN- letehn@hotmail.com
  4. I'm dropping out... wouldn't want to hurt your ears :)
  5. Heya Beethovensheir! I love the first movement of your concerto, it's very epic... reminds me of Dvorak and Beethoven a bit, and for a moment there sounded a bit like Ennio Morricone :laugh: but thats just my impression, hehe. Anyways, i rather like the way you organize the themes and the orchestarization is cool, but the cello part could have been a wee bit more harder... just for the fun :huh: It's great as it is, maybe you could give the cello just a bit more spice. I'll hear the next movement carefully too soon! cya!
  6. I would like to enter too! thanks
  7. Cool! i love hentai girls... i mean little girls... i mean your piece! :o I loved the use of the oriental instruments, as well as the music box! :D 'Twas a neat idea to add it. you create a magical sound and im sure it would work excellent in an anime movie. The clarinet was great, but plays all the same scales throughout the piece, maybe you should try switching for another instrument... so that it doesn't get old. everything else fits the atmosphere! Good job! :D
  8. your a genius bitterduck. i've been trying to tell that to him and words escape me everytime!!! :happy: so yea... from now on - less repetitions letehn!!!
  9. yet another metal fan joining the legion of composers! MUHAHAHA! ;) i used to be HIGH on BG, kamelot, symphony X, rhapsody (though fabios voice is a pain in the butt) etc. but recently i turned 100% classical :P. now, i heard your piece a few times and i can say its pretty darn cool! interesting combo... electric guitar, cello, bass, triangle (?), piano euphorium... gets the job done though i must say. first of all i liked all the melodies and the general idea is very cool! ( especialy liked that part with 16th notes in the euphorium XD). the instrumentation is quite good too, however the harnomy was weird at times ( and not the good kinda weird). like the piano solo part (page 9 i think) had a great melody, but sounded unsatisfactory with the left hand... maybe you should see something about that. also the last measure on page 8, where all the instruments hold that e-g-b... kinda disrupts the melody that followed. i notice the totaly random ending XD. not sure if it fits, but hey, if you like it keep it! thats about it, hope i helped... good job and keep composing!
  10. pretty nice job spc1! its really weird how it opens... sounds happy when the brass hit that tonic, and then it goes all spooky! the overal feel is great, orchestarization is very rich, but i dont see why this work in a video game... its powerful and eery - perfect for a battle scene! very good job all in all. maybe you can also change that ending so that it dosen't sound like its gonna loop pver and over (unless you decide for it to be for the video game)
  11. I agree with ]V[. dont pay attention to what others tell you, but develop your own style. If you follow some strict "style" then your very likely sabotiging your creativity.
  12. oh man! i loved it! the atmosphere is briliantly captured, and the orchestarization is really really good! the piano on the beginning is a little repetitive, but the amazing entereance of other instrumnets totaly covers it up! : P the Cello was great along with the timpanit, and that harp makes SUCH a spectasular enterance! string melody is coninued in a good spooky way... i didn't seem to catch something that needs to be redone, but this really is perfect for a video game or a film! your skill so far shows you can do very very well with music as your careear! are you studying anything now? considerd film music as a profession? ok, thats enough from me for now! :cool: off to bed
  13. The midi was paintful to listen to, so i listend to the mp3 on your soundclick account. i really liked your piece! it sounds very emotional and the string line with the solist sound almost eheral! the melody was nice, not very "catchy" but who says that it has to be? : P I think the whole feel and flow is nice, but i didn't like the pause in the string section at 1:29 ... really disrupts the flow. the rest is ok, but the fact that the piece doesn't end with the voice, makes it feel uncompleate... somehow ouf-of-form... like you didn't finish what you were trying to say! i think that the piece has very nice ideas, but it doesn't feel compleate to me... at one point i was like "wow so awsome! can't wait to se how will it end!" and then "huh? :closedeyes: "... i think you should make it longer and add another voice theme (or repeat the previous one im a clever way : P ). Good job, and keep it up! i'll leave a message on your soundclick message board. :happy:
  14. hehe, posted here AGES ago, Gongchime. glad you noticed
  15. Hey, no problem! if you wait some more im sure someone else will say something about your piece. if not... try reviewig other peoples pieces and they might return the favor. Oh, and the ranges of individual instruments can be easely found on the internet.
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