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Anders last won the day on November 23 2010

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About Anders

  • Birthday 05/10/1989

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    Sherwood Forest
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    Fuck you.

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  3. OH MY GOD. I LOVE IT. the wacky font in particular gladdens me lots. i feel positively sure that someone is going to ask you to change that wacky font, however, and i pray that if you do, please retain the option to keep it for those of us that want to. (like a tick-box or a skin or something) :P add in the man in brown pants while yer at it. i don't think it looks modern at all. more like jolly and nostalgic. hehe. total jackpot.
  4. Maybe allow paying customers to host independently? Though, of course, there's less of a reason to actually pay if you're not hosting anything here. The best word to describe the homepage, i think, would be bloated. It could be more elegant. Multiple skins would be nice, real nice. ;- ) How about you go to the Internet Archive, look at how the old yc looked like, and make a skin based on that? It looked pretty damn nice/functional to me.
  5. Just tested it, seems to work! No error messages or anything.
  6. maybe make quotes look a bit more pretty on the extension?
  7. The lesser Mike is on a (presumambly) temporary break, probably..
  8. I dunno, i tend to think we should just let the hate-speachers blow their steam off, and go about our regular business while they shout at each other. Besides, I don't think any hate-speech episodes will last very long if we don't invite assholes. :- D I don't want to say this, buttt... If we don't say anything about porn, someone's going to post some silly picture just to test the limits of the forum. I thought of doing this myself, in fact :D So what'll it be? Personally i don't really care about this.. since it's hidden from the public eye, i don't think anything needs to be said. (wow, i just noticed i refer to myself so many times when writing. (8 times) i must be a closet narcisist) ''nothing illegal in 'merca'' sounds fine to me. Which means no kissing on exactly 08:43 in the morning and you will get a spanking if you touch your left eyeball in a church on a thursday. :shifty: (10 times)
  9. I don't care for ipb default, but i certainly care for lo-fi mode! And now it's been removed alltogether. :- (
  10. If there's no one else wanting to do this (hillz?), you can give me (temporary) modship over off topic, and i can spend some time moving over the objectionable/fun topics tomorrow. Unless you want to do that yourself? Masturbation was invisibled, right? I'll certainly find an move that over. :- D
  11. I think it should just be kept like the original ffa for now..
  12. Awww, now you removed the mode entirely!
  13. Anders


    It's a piano and a clarinet playing a scherzo. It's an old piece. I'm just posting it to see how the forum-to-extension function looks like, but feel free to comment. :- P Scherzo
  14. Everyone knows ''writing music'' is a too static thing to say to describe the music creation process of you jazz cats, you guys are just too down to earth and rustic to say ''oh i'm just imagining and conceptualizing some music'' ;) ;)
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