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Kije of Prokofiev

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About Kije of Prokofiev

  • Birthday 09/10/1984

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  • Biography
    Struggling composer
  • Interests
    Composition, Bassoon, Fire dancing, sword play, metallurgy

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  1. I was thinking of writing up some music for a sheng but I got a problem-I don't know how to lol. The written ranges are given on wiki I just don't know where the notes are on the staff (it gives me numbers). Sheng (instrument) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia help keyed sheng etc Keyed sheng Currently, there are four main ranges of keyed sheng, forming a family of soprano, alto, tenor and bass. All of them are chromatic throughout their range, and tuned to the equal temperament scale. * Gaoyin sheng (高音笙, pinyin Gāoyīn Shēng) 36-pipe sheng with a soprano range of G3 to F#6 (Taking middle C = C4). Uses treble clef * Zhongyin sheng (中音笙, pinyin Zhōngyīn Shēng) 36-pipe sheng with an alto range of C3 to B5. Perfect 5th lower than Gaoyin sheng. It has an additional row of 12 keys coloured in black, which when depressed plays all 3 pipes corresponding to the same note in different octaves. E.g., pressing the black "C" causes the notes C3, C4 and C5 to be sounded simultaneously. Uses treble and alto clefs. * Cizhongyin sheng (次中音笙, pinyin C
  2. It's already been said above that the expectations are high. i might want to add 21 measures at that tempo is somewhat difficult to sustain good air support. On a side note, the idea of taking this beautiful piece and arranging it for woodwinds, but by all means carry on. I recommend 4 flutes if you want a small group, maybe piccolo, flute, flute and alto. PS. I'm not a flautist either but I am a bassoonist
  3. Ah yes I am well aware of that. Flats are harder on strings but sharps are easier on strings but flats are easier on winds but sharps are harder on winds. Etc.
  4. ROAR. Koto is NOT harp. It's a ZITHER. And it's also a PENTATONIC instrument. You need to know the differences between the two and MIXING western with eastern instruments is BRUTALLY difficult to pull off ESPECIALLY if you don't know how to. I FURIOUSLY vote against this idea. I will not NOT NOT NOT listen to this. Godspeed though. Oh yeah, another note, each pentatonic instrument is tuned different therefore you have to learn EVERYTHING about the instrument. Now if you were a virtuoso in both eastern and western music that'd be a different story. Well good luck even though I don't approve.
  5. Ok so I've finished 4 pieces in the last four days (agony proves a wonderful albiet painful inspiration does it not) but I've come back to my roadblock yet again. Up until now my only experiences with conducting have been for woodwinds and keyboards. My first being solo bassoon pieces, the second being a woodwind trio (bassoon oboe and english horn) just over two minutes long and the third piece being a six minute long organ sonata entitled "Ravings for Organ". So, I have no knowledge on composition for strings and when I say no knowledge I mean ABSOLUTELY none, none in composition for strings. I was thinking along the lines of F Sharp Minor. However, I don't know jack about strings. So give me some aid please. Ps. Do you have any advice on making it extremely depressing/angry? I was hoping to try and find a good balance between the two.
  6. I'm hoping I will for bassoon. Sax is an instrument that makes me want to kill myself no matter how good the player is. I really can't stand it. On a side note, how's your problem going sir who started the thread?
  7. I was a classical saxophonist for three years. I HATE the instrument with a passion. I feel vehemently that it does not belong in anything in marching bands and NOTHING absolutely NOTHING can replace the sound of an english horn except the english horn. godspeed matey.
  8. Shotguns anyone? Honestly its impossible IMO to replace that awesome sound of the english horn with anything other than a member of the oboe family and even still it sounds so much better on the cor anglais. to be honest the concept of symphonic bands make me scream and having an english horn in one makes me even more confused and even more annoying when you have to REPLACE the sounds of an english horn. worse comes to worse have the horns play it-everything sounds pretty on the french horn-best of luck. ps. ADOLPHE SAX SHOULD BURN IN HELL FOR INVENTING THE SAXOPHONE!
  9. Ligeti is a scallop any way you slice it. Sorabji is also a scallop-5 hour piece for the sake of making it five hours. Roar. Personally Sequenza XII and Samuel Adler's Canto XII for solo bassoon gives me a headache. the serenade is a scallop (its a big rip off of the rite). Stravinsky is a genius IMO. Oh is there a good recording of the End of the World Quartett? YouTube - Opus Clavicembalisticum Played Excatly as Written! Opus Clavicembalisticum as written YouTube - Opus Clavicembalisticum on a Virtual Piano Even more maddening than the first link. ENJOY!
  10. Yeah i know the title for the piece sucks but I guess that is to be expected of an Opus 1 so to speak. So far I've finished the first two "moods" being bliss and then an untitled one which I'm thinking of labeling something along the lines of manic (it ends in a small about of 12 tone). It sounds not bad the first two. Both of those are about a minute long. Onto my querry however. I have very little experience in writing tone rows. Can anyone give me some suggestions?
  11. I'm a little emoboy you'll have to excuse me. I then again have just gotten into opera so I don't know all of the arias as much as I would like to. La mamma Morta (Maria Callas of course) Umberto Giordano Andrea Chernier La Paterna Mano Verdi's Macbeth "Cosa Mi Narri?... Che Soave Zeffiretto" but i don't know if that qualifies as an aria. that's mozarts nozze i think (and know).
  12. I've got the Naxos recording of this and 2 minutes into the forth movement you hear this massive scream. Question: is this ACTUALLY written into the piece because the second recording of it I have does not have the scream in it. Anyone? Bueller?
  13. Anyone here said zappa? I think he just slaughters the competition.
  14. I'm a bassoonist so I'm closest to you as far as familial connections go. Oboe is a scallop in every respect. Vibratto is difficult on woods because of fluctuating the air and such-I dunno how to do it perfectly. I tend to overdo it but whatever. As far as repertoire goes, Benjamin Britten wrote a metamorphoses for solo oboe. Adler wrote a canto for solo oboe as well as solo English horn. As far as getting music goes, look at Trevco.com. This website as any and all double reed music you could ask for. Learn vibratto and don't use it until you are one hundred percent sure it sounds good. I wish i Had a gf who was an oboist. Bet she kisses real great-lucky bastard.
  15. I have another piece. Its Jolivet's Bassoon concerto but its actually a concerto for bassoon, harp, piano and strings. One way to get along as a pianist is to post up signs saying that you are willing to play the piano parts for sonatas and auditions that call for piano reductions sort of thing. Godspeed again.
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