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Jeremiah Hong

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About Jeremiah Hong

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  • Occupation
    Destroying YC
  • Interests
    Paintballing, airsofting, building stuff, skiing, biking and composing in my spare time

Jeremiah Hong's Achievements


Mentor (12/15)

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  1. Uhh...you don't. The uploader does. All you need to do is put up several genre subforums, and the uploader will decide where his/her composition will correctly fit.
  2. Although there are several sub-forums which divide the uploading of compositions into sections, there should be a further level of classification by genre (i.e. classical, romantic). This would make members' lives easier, knowing that a piece in a specific genre they are comfortable with commenting on is waiting to be commented on.
  3. Why, he realized his piece sucked? jk :unsure:...He was probably frustrated with all the disorder.
  4. Wait, I thought there was a tool that allows polls to be put up in a thread.
  5. I'll have to drop out. I was gonna use this pimped-out melody, but I think it'll sounds better as a piano sonata.
  6. Alright, then. Both a score and MIDI file are required.
  7. Umm...go ahead, but I don't think it's neccessary.
  8. You don't need a score; it'd make things too complicated. Besides, we don't need to get all full-scale here. EDIT: My e-mail's currently down...Spectrums will have to do it all himself...if it's not too much trouble.
  9. That is a good idea. You can send the submissions to me or Spectrums and we'll organize the poll from there.
  10. Could you perhaps get a later version of Notepad, at least?
  11. MIDI and mp3 files are both acceptable. A score is not required.
  12. Hi, everyone. I just wanted to let you know that the deadline for submitting your entry is coming up, so if you haven't started on your sonata, I suggest you do so now.
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