So, I've just finished "Stravinsky - A New Appraisal of His Work" coming of reading Constant Lamberts "Music Ho!"
I quite enjoy stravinskys music, especially his first period (I am a relatively new covert to dusty old music and I haven't had a chance to check out his later styles) but I am totally lost in all of the allusions to the grand designs and clever maneuvers beneath the surface of the music. I'm not doubting there are great feats of compositions, I have just been unable to find much written that really explains the revolutionary aspects and their significance.
Can someone briefly explain a few of the concepts that make works like the Rite of Spring or the Firebird more than just the hedonist pleasures they are.
Perhaps someone could recommend and article online or a book, if one really does the job.
Similarly, I would love to find some similar information on Debussy and Gershwin. Just information to add to my enjoyment of the musical experience.