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About Elliot

  • Birthday 04/23/1991

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  • Location
    Austin, TX
  • Occupation
    Freelance video editing
  • Interests
    I am an artist, filmmaker, cellist, pianist, bassist, and aspiring composer. I also enjoy SW RPG.

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  1. This song was produced as part of a score for an independent film. Not exactly sure what genre this qualifies as.. I didn't consciously draw from any existing musical styles. All parts composed/performed by me, with percussion by my brother. This cut isn't final, as it could use more editing in the studio. Any comments/suggestions? Datura (Full Length)
  2. Elliot


    A simple piano-heavy "rock" riff, kind of unconventional. Produced in Pro Tools. This may become something more in the future, but for now it is what it is. Now
  3. This isn't really a complete piece in itself, but it acts as kind of a mini-demo that could be adapted to a band setting and expanded. Although it was produced electronically, I imagine this music to be performed by a live band (and maybe that will happen someday). There really are only 2 "sections" for now, and they will probably remain brief until the song is further developed. I want to come up with a Part C, but I'm not really sure where to take it. Datura
  4. Just a little ambient music "doodle" thrown together in Pro Tools a few weeks ago. The synth melody in the 2nd half is basically just improvized, so naturally there is no score of any type. Dream Induced By Dripping Faucets and Demonic Cats
  5. Personally, I don't mind the "pop" association, and I don't really see the problem with sounding a bit "pop." I agree, this piece can get boring, which is something I'll have to work on in the future. I am getting better at it though.
  6. Nothing positive until the last sentence? haha I don't know why I marked it as C#. Probably because even though it really is in A, it just doesn't feel like A is the right key. Maybe this piece was a failure, which is ok; it happens. This wasn't really meant to be anything more than it is, just musically wandering around before finding a place to settle in the 2nd half. I wasn't trying to follow any formalities with this piece. I have zero training/education on how to write proper music. This was just something I made up sitting at the piano one day, and it took its current form from being played a few times. I didn't really put time and effort into making sure it made perfect musical sense on paper because it made sense in my head. Maybe I'll keep a few ideas from it and start from scratch.
  7. A piece that I wrote a few weeks ago... I finally got to notating it today, but I haven't included any dynamic or pedal markings yet (mostly because I'm unsure about the former at this point). The pedal should be depressed throughout and released only for chord changes (usually every 2 bars).Anyway, the music itself is in its final form (as far as chords and melody are concerned).I will not be able to record the piece on a real piano any time soon, so for now this is just a MIDI file. Enjoy! Taciturn (Rough Version)
  8. Elliot


    Yeah, maybe I'll go and develop it more later on and get a full version out there. It's just that whenever I find the inspiration for something like this, I can never find the inspiration to finish it. However, in context (I pieced 23 incomplete song fragments into a continuous 1-hr CD) it doesn't feel so incomplete, because pretty much every song blends into the next.
  9. Elliot


    The follow-up to Black Chasm on my electronic music album. In this piece, I tried experimenting with low-mixed tracks for added texture. The ending may seem unfinished, but it serves as a transition to another song (in G major 5/4). Cybernetic
  10. Elliot

    Black Chasm

    This was an attempt at creating experimental psychedelic electronic music... enjoy! Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. Black Chasm
  11. [recordhall test] this comment should be deleted
  12. Elliot


    ...the spice planet? Anyway this is something I have been working on for a few weeks.. it could use some polishing, but I thought I'd share it with you guys and get some opinions. I might redo the melodic section between 1:38 and 2:20 some time in the future, because the computer keyboard "musical typing" made it kind of wonky. http://www.elliotrogers.com/content/music/arrakis.mp3 thanks for listening!
  13. Elliot

    Alien Brains

    haha yeah I had fun with the fx at 0:20. I wanted to make it sound like alien spaceship noises or something. thanks, your comments are greatly appreciated.
  14. Elliot

    Alien Brains

    haha.. I would definitely upload it if I had one. If you want I could notate the synth parts or whatever. eh, I'm just looking for what direction to go in. you know, "a little more of this", "a bit less of that" "that melody at 2:00 sounds cool/bad". whatever. much of this is just aimless progression from a simple riff. does it sound coherent to you?
  15. Elliot

    Alien Brains

    http://elliotrogers.com/content/music/alienbrains.mp3 just something that I've been working on for a few weeks in my free time, along with a few other tracks far from completion. the end is supposed to transition into one of those other tracks, which is why it leaves you hanging, sorry about that. made in garageband with a few freeware vst synths (since I can't afford any REAL software or synths yet) please please please give me every criticism you've got (positive or negative), it needs improvement in my opinion.. I just don't know how.
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