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About furanku-kun

  • Birthday 11/26/1983

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  1. lets see... favorite major key... C# favorite minor e
  2. ah hah. thank you :) i appreciate the advice. i have been working on a symphonic version, so there will definitely be changes made. yum! thank again
  3. This piece is called When the Music Box is Closed. Im thinking of using it as a basis for a a longer piece. perhaps something that tells a story. Let me know what you think. Thank you :) practice idea two.mid practice idea two.sib
  4. hello all. im going to post a fugue i have been working on for a while. (around 4 or 5 months off and on.). it is a piece for four strings. It still needs a lot of work. Especially around the second half of the piece. what i would most like help with is understanding chord progressions in a fugue, and perhaps some tips on non-chord tones, etc specific to this piece. (where to use them, why...) hah, thinking about it now, i wonder why im not reading up on it right now and learning it on my own. but it is always important to talk directly to someone who knows what they are talking about. any way, thanks. here it is. fugue in gminor 4 strings.mid fugue in gminor 4 strings2.sib
  5. In response to Zetetic, learning how to write styles from books is most advantageous for me, i have a terrible ear, unfortunately. As a lazy percussionist for 8 years (4 high school, 4 college), i am only just beginning to get serious about my music. I rather enjoy making music by numbers, since i can't quite wrap my brain around how to do it by ear. It is the form by numbers of a fugue that i find easier to understand than melody and harmony. As far as writing in a boroqe fashion, i would like to be able to eventually, but that isnt really my focus, it is simply stylistically enjoyable to me, plus i love the instrumentation from that era. in response to ferret, im not sure what the strictest form is. i know fugue ranks up in the highest section, if not the highest. Ive also only just started studying boroque music. i love it, though, especially the choiral peices. I appreciate all who have input for me and compliments :) *fires a large chunk of gratitude to everyone* I have only begun to learn mallet techinque, so my keyboard understanding should vastly improve by the end of the ear. and also (im hoping) my understanding of melody and harmony :) thanks again!
  6. Thank you for your time ^_^ i will take your advice to heart and hopefully, my next posted piece will show much improvement.
  7. Thank you. I didnt even think about hand span when i wrote it. What is generally a good way to approach a 3rd or a sixth? Know any good books on just harmony?
  8. This isnt as easy to do, but is something to think about. It is also possible to create multiple melodies, and use them as the chord structure.
  9. never mind, i found it. and its freakin' awesome!!!!
  10. hhmm... i cant seem to find the links to the audio and score
  11. ok, ok. i got the midi on for my fugue. it should be up in my first post
  12. I have been considering writing a fugue for 3 or 4 people whistling. i havent come up with a good subject yet, though. maybe ill steal one from somewhere.
  13. it should be up by sunday thank you for your interest :)
  14. i do not have the means to post a midi now. however, i will be able to in a couple days.
  15. This is the first fugue i have ever written. I dont personally have the skills to play it, so im not even sure if it is playable. It is very basic and by the numbers. It turned out better than i had expected, but not so good as i had hoped. Because i am a percussionist, and dont have much experience with chords, the progressions leave a little to be desired. Because it is still a work in progress (completed, but needing finishing touches), i would appreciate any input on playability and continuity. I expect to change it. Though i dont know what the next step is. Of course, dynamics and other expression has not been added yet. If i do go through and change it, i will only then know where i want the emphasis on certain areas. Please, be kind, but dont pull any punches. As my first work of this kind. it is probably ridiculous to write a fugue without even being able to play a keyboard instrument properly. It has been a very fun and educational experience, and i am looking forward to learning more. Thank You -Frank TAFUGUE.mid
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