In response to Zetetic, learning how to write styles from books is most advantageous for me, i have a terrible ear, unfortunately. As a lazy percussionist for 8 years (4 high school, 4 college), i am only just beginning to get serious about my music. I rather enjoy making music by numbers, since i can't quite wrap my brain around how to do it by ear. It is the form by numbers of a fugue that i find easier to understand than melody and harmony. As far as writing in a boroqe fashion, i would like to be able to eventually, but that isnt really my focus, it is simply stylistically enjoyable to me, plus i love the instrumentation from that era.
in response to ferret, im not sure what the strictest form is. i know fugue ranks up in the highest section, if not the highest. Ive also only just started studying boroque music. i love it, though, especially the choiral peices.
I appreciate all who have input for me and compliments :)
*fires a large chunk of gratitude to everyone*
I have only begun to learn mallet techinque, so my keyboard understanding should vastly improve by the end of the ear. and also (im hoping) my understanding of melody and harmony :)
thanks again!