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About SSUChris

  • Birthday 04/02/1987

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  • Biography
    I am 20 years old, and have played the piano for 14 years.
  • Location
    Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park California
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  • Interests
    I am an Astrophysics major, therefore space, and astro-imaging are my hobbies.

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  1. thanks!!! And yeah, right now all it is is, a collection of sections/themes smushed into one song. lol So it is quite repetitive and predictable as you say, I will take out the bits I like, add some more phrases and sections to fix that, but im not sure which parts I think have promise. lol but thank you for the parts you like and ur opinion of what it makes you think!!
  2. Here is a piece Im starting to work on. Linked below are just samples of possible themes etc. Not a finished song by any means. I just want people's opinons on what it makes them think of, or which parts they like best. Lost in Legend
  3. I liked the song, but I do have some statements. There are a LOT of different styles of music in this piece. (I heard some Romantic classical, some Jazz, some Rock, and even some Contemporary chromaticism.) Overall the piece was good, I especially liked the beginning, but my comment would be that I felt like the piece was too all over the place for me. It would be in a classical tempo/style, then change to a rock style in less than a measure. It was a good piece, but it sounds like you might have more than one song in here. Also, if you could somehow get a pdf file of the piece, it might make it easier to follow along to. But, overall great job. -Chris
  4. It was good! It sounded like early Beethoven to me. But, could you possibly put up a score, as it makes it a little easier to follow along.
  5. I liked the piece as well. Just some cleaning up suggestions... maybe put the octave sign back above the notes on measures 51 and 55. Other than that, great job!
  6. Thanks. Yes, it is a little technical, but I don't think its that bad. Of course, songs that you write are always way easier to play, than songs other people right. At least at first!
  7. The song is good, but to me it strikes me as a fuge more than anything. I am guessing that you like Baroque type music? (I am a big fan of romantic, so a prelude in that era is FAR different than baroque) but, the song is still good. Congrats.
  8. I had an experience a few days ago that lead me to start writing this song. I have finished it on paper, but not on Finale, so I am putting it up here for people to comment on before I finish putting on to Finale. What do people think, any suggestions? PDF: http://chrisjohnsonsspace.com/Etude_in_E_flat_minor.pdf Mp3: http://chrisjohnsonsspace.com/etudeineminor.mp3
  9. I liked the song. Although I enjoyed it, there are some parts that I didn't like as much. They were the parts around 15 seconds, and 1:55. The song is very flowing, and I like that, but at these two parts, and the repetitions of these parts, the music seems to get choppy, and doesn't flow as well. But, still, it is a great song. Could you perhaps put up a pdf or something?
  10. Its a very nice song, but I wonder if it should go under the Orchestral and Large Ensemble forum, rather than the piano solo forum. Nice song anyways, title fits!
  11. Hi again. This piece is one of the the few I am working on at the same time. For some reason I have a hard time working on just one at the same time. I posted up an earlier version of this piece back in March, and I have added a little since then. My main concern is the transition between the fast, and slow parts. I think it is too abrupt, but then again, I could find flaws in everything I do, so I need an outside opinion. I used to have a copy that I recorded, but I cannot find it, so you will have to deal with the bad computers rendering :toothygrin: Anyways, let me know what you think. Mp3: http://chrisjohnsonsspace.com/etudeinfminor.mp3 Pdf: http://chrisjohnsonsspace.com/etudeinbbminor.pdf
  12. I know the left hand drowns out the right in the beginning. Thats why I tried to put dynamics in the music, but the mp3 doesn't listen to me. Also, the mp3 plays measure 17 a little two fast for me. It is very rubato, so yes, it is playable.
  13. Thanks for the Words of Encouragement? anyone else have any tips/ideas/suggestions?
  14. Here is the start of a new prelude that I am working on. Let me know what you think. I know the score is messy, I will fix it later. -Chris mp3: http://chrisjohnsonsspace.com/PreludeinEminorbeg.mp3 pdf: http://chrisjohnsonsspace.com/PreludeinEminorbeg.pdf
  15. I like the song. Very happy, the title fits. However, I find it a little repetitive? but it seems to be in the style of Baroque, which, to be truthful, is not my favorite. I prefer the romantic era, which is probably why I focus in on the repetitions. (I don't find that romantic composers repeat as much as the classical or baroque composers.) Nevertheless, I find the song fun. Is there anyway you could get up a pdf or something?
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