Thank you for the explanation, but I already have Sibelius 5 and Logic Express 8. I know what type of program I'm looking for, Colossus is not what I want.
Kaiyoti, it may seem as if I want to get very technical with my sampling, however that is not the case. I would like something that sounds realistic, but I don't really want to get extremely involved. The reason I'm looking into sampling is because I'm very bad with notation, so many times I sit down at Sibelius and try to get an idea out, but by the time I figure out how to notate it the idea is gone. I think if I can just make a quick sketch using a sample library first it will really help me compose. I know it sounds like I don't need something that realistic, but the way I am I always like to get the best even if I don't need it. :) Thanks though.