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About soupinmyhair

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  1. nice soothing melody with the cello line in the beginning. how long have you been writing music? what instrument(s) do you play?
  2. Bach's Prelude and Fugue in C Minor ....uh, yeah, i'm a newb. can anyone recommend any short easy etude that can be learned in like 2 months for an audition? =D
  3. Here's one of the first pieces that I've ever fully notated. There's not too much to it, but it's a start. I still need to go through it some more to revise/embellish some parts. Also, I'm not entirely sure if the bass at some points is playable. Oh, ignore the last page--just a collection of measures I couldn't fit into the song. Well, tell me what you think. =] UDOs.MUS
  4. what school do you go to? would you say that diversity necessarily means making sure you have arrangements for several different instruments? or would short piano pieces of different styles be sufficient? i didn't even think about the interview. Is there anything I should at least expect from one?
  5. Actually, I think both songs have a video game sounding quality to them. I enjoyed the Etude. I think I like that one better than the Elegy. I liked the melody of the elegy, but I feel that the notes start to sound somewhat random in the section after the first 15 seconds. At least, that was the impression I got. The The only thing I would suggest is varying the left hand some more maybe if you want to expand on the pieces some more. nice job. makes me think: chivalrous
  6. Does anyone have any idea what music colleges might expect to see in a composition portfolio? in an individual composition? and I mean aside from having a recording and a score, what do they listen for in a piece of music you make?
  7. ok thanks. how about a recommendation for a cheap keyboard with weighted keys?
  8. Can anyone tell me what it is exactly that Finale 2006 can do that the notepad cannot that makes it worth hundreds of dollars? and while I'm here, any recommendations for an inexpensive portable midi keyboard with weighted keys? I'm not looking for an instrument for electronic versatility, I just want something that is easily transportable, has a nice touch, and will serve my basic midi needs.
  9. actually, that's what I ended up doing in my first composition in the critique forum. They were a few separate ideas I came up with at two different times. Then one day I decided, hey, what if I add this to that. I'm not sure if it really worked out smoothly, though. It's kind of hard for me to tell if one idea fits with another after listening to it a few times. The problem is that I don't really hear the music in my head when I try to compose something. I have to be at a piano, which kind of limits me, I think, especially since my command over the instrument is so limited. Edit: Maybe I do hear it sometimes.
  10. movements? I struggle with just attempting to create short piano pieces. I usually can only come up with a few measures on piano. After that, I don't know how to work around them or develop them. So I just start on a new project with a different idea. And then rinse and repeat, leaving me with abunch of unrelated ideas scattered into different finale files. oy =/
  11. Can anyone recommend any violent sounding pieces?
  12. i think you did a good job capturing the moods and feelings, even with simple sounding pieces. I enjoyed the dance panel thing. am I right to think that the dancer(s) was/were stumbling? I liked nightmare. I felt that one had good ideas, although part of me wanted to hear some parts expand more, but that might have detracted from the nightmarish feel. Teasing song was interesting. I thought it was going to be light and peppy and just fun and funny, but I really felt like it was a song that would make a person feel teased--haha, that sentence sounds kind of dumb. all in all, good ideas, but i kind of want to hear more in a song.
  13. It's funny I was wondering the same thing about those sites as you, pianogirl. I'm also tempted. Here is how I look at it: if it doesn't actually enable a person to have perfect pitch, there still must be valuable ear training, right? On that topic, does anyone recommend any real valid methods of training your ear for music? say, identifying intervals, scales, chords, and, why not, individual notes (maybe not that)
  14. i added an mp3 to the robot song
  15. I find that I'm coming up with a lot of good ideas to use in songs. it's great actually. it's just that in one period of time of composing, I usually find it difficult to slow down to organize and to develop all the ideas in fear that I might lose the mood. as a result, it's hard to finish anything. Instead, I'm working on three different songs right now. I guess there's nothing too bad with that, but I'd like to be able to get things done without worrying about the details. How do you usually approach organizing, devleoping, and working through your compositions?
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