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About Classical.Rocker

  • Birthday 05/20/1990

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  1. I'm no music theorist so I won't be able to explain it to a tee, but Chopin's use of dissonance to create harmonic color has always astounded me.
  2. Bach's contrapuntal knowledge owns any other composer out there. 'Nuff said.
  3. Mendelssohn, Telemann, Rameau, Scarlatti =)
  4. Best movie of '08 If Ledger doesn't win an Oscar someones going to loving die.
  5. please dont press crlt alt delete hahahahahaha. Comedy gold. Unless you were going for more of a serious song. Then you might want to work on that =)
  6. hmmmm, very old blink-182 feeling with a pinch of greenday, you play your genre well. I guess i was just caught off guard because i read" rock and roll", still listening for that though, only listened to 3 songs, maybe it's just on the ones i haven't listened to
  7. I'll speak from my experiences, for I'm doing both. With bass i'm completely self-taught. I can easily write "galloping" triplets, walking bass, a polyphonic bassilne to accompany the guitar part and such, but I don't really understand the theory behind it. I never took the time to practice the scales and the modes and theory wise I don't know too much about my bass. So shredding is great and all, but my buddy who has played guitar for 7 years now has had a teacher and i have to use him as a reference =). Piano on the other hand, i'm going to get a tutor for. It allows me to learn all the basic theory I missed,and will help me in composing/performing with both instruments in the long run. When you're "self-taught" i find it takes more time to learn things unless you're extremely devoted, and there are things you can easily overlook that'll come to bite you in the donkey later.
  8. Has a somewhat poppy flavor, I could see this being an Alicia Keys tune or something. But hey, that's not a bad thing. I really enjoyed the part at 00:52, sounded, pretty hardcore can't lie. I liked the dissonance, could tell it was there, but it wasn't overdone, and sounds like an overall pretty good piece of work.
  9. As great as Mozart was, Bach will always be the king of Harmony/Counterpoint.
  10. i feel very similar to mael. Excellent piece, the low part with the trumpet wasn't bad but it wasn't amazing, could use just a little tweak. this piece could go VERY FAR!!!!
  11. Bach > everyone. Bach was the one who taught God how to play the organ. True Fact.
  12. ~DISCLAIMER~ My opinion! Good piece of work you've got here. My only question is, why emulate Bach? I'm a baroque fanatic myself, Buxtehude and Bach are my 2 favorites, but I want to combine my style with theirs, learn their rules but compose it my way if you know what i mean =). Studying bach is great, (in my opinion it's the most intellectual music ever written) but you should be yourself at the same time. We all know that I will never be as good as Bach at composing his style, you will never be as good as Bach at composing his style, everyone alive at the moment will never be as good as bach composing his style. I say you should aim to succeed as yourself, rather than to fail (which is inevitable, because who can surpass bach at being bach?) as someone else. But ya, one thing i've noticed about many bach compositions, it's not very blocky as some have stated. Don't think bach is very chordy now that i think of it, if that makes any sense =)
  13. I know what's missing. I'm listening to Cvbbn right now, it needs a nice phat funky bassline, a slap one would probably go best, where the bassist and you can trade off with the fills.
  14. There's nothing to understand about it. If you weren't blessed with a natural singing voice but are still determined to be a vocalist, scream your guts out. The instrumental work is just a bunch of ornamentation, but there's not really any substance that is being ornamented, which makes it somewhat humorous. But that's all the "hardcore" music, so iz all good. They usually do have some of the best drummers though, i'll give em that much =)
  15. Reminds me of Europe's the final countdown Mixed with some Space Odyssey stuff.
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