~DISCLAIMER~ My opinion!
Good piece of work you've got here. My only question is, why emulate Bach? I'm a baroque fanatic myself, Buxtehude and Bach are my 2 favorites, but I want to combine my style with theirs, learn their rules but compose it my way if you know what i mean =).
Studying bach is great, (in my opinion it's the most intellectual music ever written) but you should be yourself at the same time. We all know that I will never be as good as Bach at composing his style, you will never be as good as Bach at composing his style, everyone alive at the moment will never be as good as bach composing his style. I say you should aim to succeed as yourself, rather than to fail (which is inevitable, because who can surpass bach at being bach?) as someone else.
But ya, one thing i've noticed about many bach compositions, it's not very blocky as some have stated. Don't think bach is very chordy now that i think of it, if that makes any sense =)