I'll be honest, I personally did not enjoy this piece. I felt more rushed and frantic than anger. The use of triplets over straight 8th and 16th notes did not give a very pleasing rhythm or sound. Now, from measure 37 to 57 I enjoyed quite a bit. I felt more anger in this section over anywhere else. I also enjoyed the time signature changes in this section, too. 61 to the end really grabbed my attention. The rhythms you incorporated matched (I feel) the feel you were going for, better than the rest of the piece. Sadly, those were the only sections I felt were appeasing. Your musical transition from the beginning to measure 14 I completely despised. Your piece begins very frantic and chaotic, and I would rather it stay that way than change to those rhythms. Also, 14-16 sound extremely common. They just don't sound unique or fit in with how the piece starts. The piece is full of great beginnings of phrases, but always seem to get lost or ruined by another instruments entry or rhythm.
Now, I hope I didn't sound too mean.... I just wanted to share my view of this piece.