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About hornplayer153

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  1. hmmm... I'm surprised no one has commented on this piece. I really like the mood and style - I think it would make good video game or film music. I like the theme introduced at around :50 - there are some chords in the sustained lines around 1:28 that I would consider changing. Really like the brass over the pulsating strings at 3:18 - perhaps the transition right before that should be cleaned up a bit though - just seems a bit muddled leading into that section, which is such a wonderful section. Really love the ending - even though it drags on a bit.
  2. I agree that it could use some development, but that really depends on your vision for this piece. If you want to use it as a fanfare like to open a concert I think it would work great as it is. It seemed to have a very characteristic sound though my experience in writing for strings is pretty much nonexistant so I wouldn't really know.
  3. wow - beautifully done. Love the jazz influences esp. around 1:28 or so. the gliss at the end comes off cheesy on the cpu, but I think it could work live. I like the beginning melody also, leads into the piece nicely.
  4. I enjoyed this piece... it was longer than I was expecting, so when I saw the time I expected to get bored. I was beginning to be bored with it right when you introduced the triplet variation - perfect timing with that. I almost felt like the middle section was more of a high point than the last variation, which was not what I expected with a theme and variations - I don't know if that was your intention or if the midi makes it sound that way. thanks for the enjoyable piece!
  5. whew, finally back to where I can put some more concentrated work on composition... I have been revising this piece and here are the results... I have addressed some of the concerns mentioned to the best of my knowledge. Again the .mus probably sounds better than the midi... I have another couple of days before I would like to have this piece in the mail for competition... so any comments would be greatly appreciated. Atlasdraft2.MUS Atlasdraft2.MID
  6. I just got my demo version... I think it's a great program, but I don't think it would replace finale or any of the mainstream music notation programs, however I do like it's playback abilities.
  7. Don't have much time, but wanted to say I did enjoy it. Seems to me like it would have sounded good with lengthened sections, especially the fast sections. Enjoyed the work though.
  8. Wow... I love it. If you ever need a horn player in the South Carolina area to play it let me know :blush: Keep writing for horn, I really like your idea of the sound of the instrument
  9. Just wanted to express my enjoyment of the piece... I agree that it has a little Morricone flavor - but that is definitely a compliment coming from me. The counterpoint between the instruments got a little cliched in spots for my taste, but overall the emotional appeal of the piece was overwhelming... making allowances as already discussed for the fact that it's a maching playing the piece. and on the self-expression communication note, I agree that music can be either... but ideally the best music is both.
  10. Thanks very much for the comments both of you - Leightwing, I am inclined and will have some time to do revisions so any comments you or anyone else makes will be put to good use. I am leaving for a couple of days, but I will be able to revise the piece some during that time and then when I get back I'll have a week or so to revise. Just wanted to clarify that I did post this for critique and would be able to revise it some, I didn't just post for my own ego gratification :shifty: -Jed
  11. hmmm.... well... for the most part... I'd kind of agree with your assessment, it's not bad music but it doesn't seem to go anywhere. On the other hand a decent number of overtures are that way. Seems to me that the insertion of a good theme and developing it somewhere in there would help :shifty: Of course there are some themes, but I'm thinking more a singable theme. I did however really like a couple of spots... the section that starts around 3:00 is nice, and the one around 7:15. Really liked those two spots... but kind of glazed over listening to the rest. -Jed
  12. I have been working on this piece for the last 3 months as a possible piece to enter in a contest... now I am running close to the deadline for entry, so I wanted to get some feedback. It is not completely a finished product, still some tweaking with dynamics especially and some parts I will probably fill in at the end of the song. However I am headed out of town for a couple of days so I was hoping to get some comments on it. It is for concert band, however it is not your average concert band song, i.e. march type, it is much more a wind orchestra sound. I had several problems writing it, but the biggest was just an indecisiveness as to what to do next. I think I like the finished product, but there were several scrap versions along the way. The piece is meant to be a tone poem of sorts of the story of Atlas. - opening fanfare - Atlas life as one of the titans in control of the universe - fast middle section - Battle with Zeus and the Olympians with Atlas leading the Titan army - final dirge section - Atlas being sentenced to hold the earth/sky on his back as punishment for opposing Zeus. I am attaching a midi, but it is not that great (like most midis....) If you have Finale 2006, that file sounds much better as well as bringing out the parts I intend to be brought out. - Jed Atlas.MID Atlas.MUS
  13. Let's see if I can come up with suggestions - your call of course if you like it or want to scrap the theme and try something else. m 65 off the top of my head I would probably hold the horn on the a flat for a dotted quarter then eights Gb Gb F F Eb I really like the slightly offbeat next part M 70 I would definitely change from that arpeggio... maybe all three horns holding an Ab Eb Bb triad in the m70 and the Bb moving to a C? I probably would play with some version of that. I think the rest of it works... go with what sounds good and fits the song to your ear. The song has been stuck in my head all day... love it
  14. Love this piece... the modulation worked well in my opinion... maybe a few places you could tweak the background theme, but very nice. I especially liked the solo horn statement of the theme right at the end of the modulation string statement. It did sound better as far as the distant sound in my opinion. Nice Work! -Jed
  15. here's one I'll throw in - Shumann's konzertstuck(sp?) or concert piece for 4 horns and orchestra - 1st horn part. Not only is the technique nuts, but there are I think 3 high e's for horn... two notes above the even semi reliable range for most college players.
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