Hi there! I'm new to Young Composers, have been browsing it for a while, but it's time to post.
I'm looking for resources for helping me get into music composition.
I've 24 now, and have been playing instruments since I was 7. I'm a competent baritone vocalist, pianist, violinist, guitarist, and drummer. I've always wanted, though, to compose classical music. I recently purchased Sibelius 5. I have been mainly trying small piano quartet compositions - piano/violin/viola/cello - so I'm not being overwhelmed by large orchestrations. However, I can't get past about 60 seconds of music. I have little direction, though I'm capable of creating a theme and have it wind between voices and creating nice (at least in my head :P) harmonies.
As such, given where I'm at, I have a decent knowledge of music theory, but little compositional theory. Also, I'm familiar with the roles/sounds of stringed instruments, but am pretty lost when it comes to brass/woodwinds. Any suggestions of good books, websites, or other things that may help me get on my feet?
Thanks in advance! :thumbsup: