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About vivandy

  • Birthday 05/14/1989

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    My main interrests are athletics (pole vault) and making music mainly on my computer but sometimes also on the piano. I've composed music in many styles of music. Check them out on my webpage! www.vivandy.com<br /><br />If you'd want to contact me. Send an email to vanessav89@yahoo.co.nz or to vivandy@gmail.com

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Explorer (4/15)

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  1. This is a song where I tried to make it sound as much orchesteral as possible. But after listening to the other songs in the orchestral category, I think I might not have succeded entirely....but I suppose it's ok. It's called The Floating Piano. Why? Well I started of with the piano track and I tried to make the notes kind of float. Here is the link to the page: http://www.yourfilelink.com/get.php?fid=22149 (you click on a button in the middle of the page called "download file") Please rate my song :thumbsup:
  2. I've made a song called The Ringing Bells. It is half an orchestral song but can also be played as a pop song. I've used intruments like strings, drums, piano and more. I got my inspiration from this song from a wonderful song I heard which used the strings in a neat way. I can't remember his name though :( . Click on the link below to listen to the song on my site. http://www.soundclick.com/bands/pagemusic.cfm?bandID=481537 I'm very interrested in what you think of it. :)
  3. Hi Thanks for the advice and website pages! Ive been looking for something like that for a long time. In my first message you might see that I was telling you about some music piece. Well I see now and know now that it doesnt work to upload mp3 files, which I tried doing but failed. Well if there is anyone interrested in listening to my own music you can send an email to vivandy@gmail.com and Ill sent the piece to you. :)
  4. Hi When I was starting on this song my goal was to make it suit the computer game Tomb Raider. Instruments included are piano, strings, guitar, drums and much more. Can you play it live? Not if you do it exactly the way its on this songfile. In another kind of version it'll work though. This piece of music here is unfortunately only a small part of its whole length (which is around three and a halfe minutes). I've shortened it here so the file wouldn't get so big. At least you'll get a taste of what kind of music interrests me. Im very interrested in comments. Answeres to these questions are very wellcome: What do you think of this style of music? Does it suit the computer game Tomb Raider? What did you like and dislike in this piece of music?
  5. Were's your song? I can't find it.
  6. Interresting.... To be honest I have to say that I'm not that into this kind of music. Apart from that, of all the music pieces in this style I've heard, yours is definately one of the better ones.
  7. Hi The best songs take about a month to make. Then I'd probably spend several hours a day composing. Smaller pieces of music or pieces that aren't as good take me about two or three days.
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