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About Zemady

  • Birthday 01/17/1993

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Explorer (4/15)

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  1. -Gardener I suppose then this means the only 'true performance' is of one we have complete control over: Our Voices?
  2. Hi, Does anone know of somewhere where you can download films (of any length) with all the audio except the music. I have been composing alot of Film music recently but would really like to try it with a real film rather than an imaginary one. I have looked for ages but cannot find anywhere. Thanks, Ben
  3. Very nice! I particurly like some of the harmonies you had going there! One quick tip... before the cymbals come in you could start the timpani roll a few beats ealier and have it cresendo into the climax. Perhaps add some woodwind in to add more interst to the melody. I can see where this piece is going it just needs some more texture work. great start! I have always preferred original compositions as you have more freedom, so I look forward greatly to 'Majestic March'!
  4. Overall I really like that piece, it suited the genre well and could imagine it in a game. there are a few suggestions I would make to improve it. A score would be useful aswell. There are some places where the melody line could be 'tightened' as it is let to wonder a bit too much. 24 secs - 27secs the melody line runs up and resolves itself but finishes on the 3rd beat this sounds a bit strange and I would peronally draw out the notes to finish on the first beat of the next bar. More to come, had to leave....
  5. Sorry I feel bad now, becuase when I last posted I didn't upload the new version becuase I didn't have time. What you where listening too was the original still! I have sorted out the ending aswell... Now I really will post the new link now I have time. Please tell me when you post your piece and I will have a listen and give you some comments! *Well at least all of the above proves that the more you listen to a piece the more you like it!
  6. Thanks for the feedback v!olaplayer416! I have spent some time making some of the suggested changes, mainly the ending which was previously a bit rushed. New link new added. ^ Anymore feedback would be great, it's suprisingly difficult to spot the weak parts of a piece when you've heard it so many times!
  7. Hi, My name is Ben and i am 15 years old. I have been composing 3 years but recently have begun to get more serious. I have always loved music ever since I started playing 8 years ago, now I have turned to composing. I have been looking for somewhere to get feedback on my pieces for ages, so was really pleased when I found young composers! It looks like a great community and a fantastic place to share my pieces. I mainly like writing film music and this is one of my first full orchestral pieces. I wrote it to be the opening scene of an adventure film. This is version 2. Opening credits V2.WAV - Dedicated Web Hosting Service (Version 2) Hope you enjoy it! and please comment! Lydridge Cove Opening - Orchestral Score.MUS
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