Hey guys :) I'm new to the forum, and thought posting a composition up would be a good way to introduce myself.
"Abandoned Hatchling" is a piece I wrote two years ago (it was for a composition program at my school, and is my 3rd and latest-- I don't do much composition, but I'm hoping that'll change if I ever get more free time.)
The piece is divided into four parts: Storm, Peace, Predator, and Burial-- I was trying to depict kind of a storyline with the music, using the violin as kind of a narrator voice (but it doesn't sound right in any midi I try-- a lot of the dynamics aren't balanced the way I wanted... not sure how to alter it.)
1.Technique-wise... eh... it was all done while sitting in front of a computer screen with Sibelius at school. My knowledge of music theory is beyond horrible, considering how long I've been playing piano, so I have some heavy dependence on Sibelius' playback function. That, and coffee ^_^
2. Around 10-15 hours were spent on writing, though I think about 9 weeks of the 10-week program was used to muse over the structure in my head. (Yeah, my guide-instructor-guy wasn't too happy about the slacking.)
As for obstacles, there weren't that many-- a lot of the piece just flowed out, though I ran too short on time to elaborate on some of the sections. A celloist did tell me that some of the parts are impossible to play... though I'm not sure which those are.
Since I need 3-4 compositions to turn in for an HL IB Music certificate (if anyone knows what that is) by May, I decided to pull this one out for a thorough edit job. I'd be grateful if someone would be willing to offer constructive criticism/advice on how to improve. Thanks! :D