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About 327o

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    Where the Waters Meet
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    Lots and lots and lots.

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  1. *Joined* http://www.myspace.com/1illy
  2. Agggggh... anyone? I'd really appreciate any pointers, or just general comments. :thumbsup: http://media.putfile.com/Improvisation-1 ^ Same recording, different place with much higher bandwidth.
  3. Hey guys. I just started trying out improv, and was wondering if anyone has any advice on how to do it. Do you just sit down, with no idea what you're doing, or do you have a theme in mind before you start? Here's something I just recorded, which turned out better than I expected-- but still, I'm having some coordination problems, especially in quick, upbeat stuff (not in this recording). Any advice on how to improve? :) http://h1.ripway.com/lilly/0001.mp3 ~ Lilly
  4. LMAO. That is great. :laugh:
  5. Wow, that's kind of harsh :whistling: Tweak- have you considered adding variations to the theme? I imagine some well-placed adornments and arpeggios would be nice for the piece, as well as a slightly faster tempo. But in any case, it's kind of nice to hear something composed with beginning musicians in mind :laugh:
  6. I'm not the most qualified person to offer an opinion, especially since I've never liked Bach very much- but what if you added some staccato-ed parts, and/or more "space" between some of the parts to enhance phrasing? I dig the intro & slight contemp twists though :D
  7. To Wolf and the Warm-footed Musician ;) - Thanks for the review! I'm glad that you both seemed to like it :) ----------------- To Wolf's comments: Yeah, I guess I've always had some trouble with writing the piano part. Not sure why or how to fix it, though I think it may be that I've always seen piano as a solo instrument. I'll try to liven it up with the next edit :) Oh yeah, the bang at the end of the "predator" portion-- I kind of envisioned it to be when the predator attacks and the Hatchling dies. It was intended to be played by the whole forearm going "bwomp" on the keys-- didn't know how to notate that. :P And as for the raindrop-y notes-- yeah! That's what I was hoping to convey- awesome that you picked it up :D My music theory is probably nearing the negatives though- I've given up on learning it a long long time ago. Just one of those things. --------------- To Socks (ahhhh... what should I call you by??) Thanks -I will try some alternatives to the big cacophonous chord and see how that works out- as I wrote to Wolf above, it was supposed to mark the hatchling's death by the predator, though I bet there are better ways to do it. Yeah, I feel the same way about the length proportions-- the burial segment was the same thing repeated twice, basically, while the predator section was rushed through and didn't get much elaboration. That is something that I will definitely be working on- thanks for the advice! :D
  8. Hey guys :) I'm new to the forum, and thought posting a composition up would be a good way to introduce myself. "Abandoned Hatchling" is a piece I wrote two years ago (it was for a composition program at my school, and is my 3rd and latest-- I don't do much composition, but I'm hoping that'll change if I ever get more free time.) The piece is divided into four parts: Storm, Peace, Predator, and Burial-- I was trying to depict kind of a storyline with the music, using the violin as kind of a narrator voice (but it doesn't sound right in any midi I try-- a lot of the dynamics aren't balanced the way I wanted... not sure how to alter it.) 1.Technique-wise... eh... it was all done while sitting in front of a computer screen with Sibelius at school. My knowledge of music theory is beyond horrible, considering how long I've been playing piano, so I have some heavy dependence on Sibelius' playback function. That, and coffee ^_^ 2. Around 10-15 hours were spent on writing, though I think about 9 weeks of the 10-week program was used to muse over the structure in my head. (Yeah, my guide-instructor-guy wasn't too happy about the slacking.) As for obstacles, there weren't that many-- a lot of the piece just flowed out, though I ran too short on time to elaborate on some of the sections. A celloist did tell me that some of the parts are impossible to play... though I'm not sure which those are. Since I need 3-4 compositions to turn in for an HL IB Music certificate (if anyone knows what that is) by May, I decided to pull this one out for a thorough edit job. I'd be grateful if someone would be willing to offer constructive criticism/advice on how to improve. Thanks! :D Abandoned_Hatchling_01.sib Abandoned_Hatchling_01.mid
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