I actually studied with Claude Gordon for ten years and have the most complete website on the man. There are currently over 20 hours of free lectures of Dr. Claude Gordon online along with some articles I wrote to summarize my ten years with him and how to apply his principles to using all the various great method books.
I also teach Online Trumpet Lessons over live video chat. There are some comments on my site from students studying all over the world. This way of practicing really works for anyone.
Here are some links to look at:
Trumpet Performance and Brass Instruction Studio via Live Internet Video Chat
Trumpet And Brass Playing Articles Based On The Claude Gordon Method Of Brass Playing
Trumpet Performance and Brass Instruction Studio via Live Internet Video Chat
Trumpet And Brass Lessons Done Over Live Video Chat By Jeff Purtle, Authority On The Claude Gordon Method Of Brass Playing
864-292-3532 in Greenville, South Carolina
AIM/iChat Handle: ac6iw