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Norby last won the day on January 7 2010

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About Norby

  • Birthday 12/14/1989

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  • Interests
    Composing, playing the piano

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  1. Sample Modeling - Mr Sax T and Sax Brothers - not just samples but physical modelling of the instruments http://www.samplemodeling.com/en/products_sax.php
  2. http://kat.ph/john-williams-film-works-collection-in-pdf-t2386667.html N-joy :)
  3. pianofiles.com You can find LOADS of film music scores there.
  4. Some Golden Age music (my favourite era ^^): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9T_iyZlVEEY&feature=my_favorites&list=FLHU4x8LW_p_JCaPhQt0f4Mw <--- My fair lady and stuff -------------------------------------------- <-- Sea Hawk (Erich Korngold) -------------------------------------------- <--- Gone with the Wind (Max Steiner) -------------------------------------------- I now analysing gone with the wind. One can learn MUCH about orchestration and stuff from the score....
  5. I like it. It's maybe better for smaller ensambles, than full orchestral pieces, 'cause it can be confusing for the reader too in my opinion.
  6. "To give a concrete example, in ordinary logic repetition has no purpose" :facepalm: :headwall: There are MANY situations in life where repeated steps are HAS purpose. -If you want to learn a certain skill for example you will need to repeat things in many times to achieve this..(read something from the beginning to the end..repeat (until you learn something etc.) / play a piano piece...repeat many times..(until you learn that piece) / manufacture a useful thing to sell....repeat many times to gain more object and profit ) Sry for my english anyway, but your topic is just bullshit.......there are no such things as "musical logic" and "ordinary logic" separated like that....
  7. record with audacity....than save it...
  8. Use c-d-g-d etc. if you want a more film music like sound .....Csus2/Csus4 "Arpeggios or respective broken chords can be a great tool for accompaniement patterns or sources for melodic gestures. On accompanying figures they help to establish a sense of harmony but also keep a steady rhythm going, on melodies they help to “bridge” large melodic gaps in a plausible way. However simple triad arpeggios very quickly sound overly simple and stylistically more in the field of Mozart than modern film music. One very simple trick that might help is to not have a triad arpeggio going on (c e g e c e g e c) but instead use the ninth of a chord for the pattern (c d g d c d g d / d e g e d e g e). With this little alteration, your arpeggios will suddenly sound way more filmic."
  9. "And I want to tune french horn a quarter tone lower than normal for an entire movement." wehehehe i do it for you any time lol. In fact its not hard to play quarter tone lower on a french horn....the hard thing is to play in tune :D believe me dude...every rehearsal is a NIGHTMARE for horn players....i know it from experience :D
  10. "To get a good idea of how non-musicians hear music, listen to some Hans Zimmer." wehhehe absolutely true :D
  11. There are many good books/ebooks on the net: Piston Walters: Harmony etc. I downloaded a torrent file that contains many useful stuff: harmony, counterpoint, orchestration, many many good books in pdf i've learnt a lof from theme O.o I can send you a link if interested...^^ EDIT .......... once you've learnt the basics...download "Harmony Practise 3" its a free software...it knows all the rules in voice leading and with it you can practise it....it also helped me a lot....its very hard at first to keep in mind all the rules
  12. usually I don't hear a single melodic line...I hear the melody played by french horns etc. with orchestra accompaniment (fast woodwind scales+string rhytm: triplet motifs+choir: long sustained notes.- just an exameple)....so i hear the thing fully orchestrated usually its like complex ideas.. (Of course dont hear whole pieces, just the actual part i want to figure out so its nothing special -.-" ) BUT first you need to now what you want to achieve with your piece: -Mood (happy/sad, epic thingy, romantic, suspense....-> major/minor or other egsotic scales ) -Tempo -Instrumentation ..... ..... ..... Once you now these...and you have a melody...its kinda easy to choose instruments to play it (especially when you have a certain plan about the whole piece (sections, bridges,modulations, tempo changes.....and so on)) For example if you have a part where you want some epicness, also a bit dark ambient, with a bit of suspense....you'll maybe use some heavy brass playing the main motif.....you wont use flutes, oboes, steeldrums (lol), harps etc. to express ultimate power (-.-") Also if you have a romantic scene or something like that calm scrafty stuff maybe you play that sweet melody with octave strings etc, or some more expressive isntruments like flutes......you wont use Tubas etc. to express some romance lol So its very easy to attach melodies to different instruments when you know EXACTLY what you want to achieve...
  13. "The song sounds great" :headwall: I like the melody (soprano line) but awful harmony and voice leading.
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