"Lies Unknown" is a four piece INDIE ROCK band from Clinton Township,
Michigan. The bands lineup consists of Joe Piazza (drums), Jamie Allan (lead guitar),
Sarah Cole (bass guitar) and Justin Alexander (guitar and vocals). This is one of the
premier bands from the Metro Detroit area. "Lies Unknown" is dedicated to pushing the
envelope on all of the sub genres of rock & roll by writing songs of hope, honesty, tribulation and everything in between.
Check out the latest information on the band at MySpace.com - Lies Unknown (PLAYING TNT’S THURSDAY) - CLINTON TWP, Michigan - Rock / Indie / Pop Punk - www.myspace.com/liesunknown
and the label at Lies unKnown- Welcome!
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Lies unKnown
Lies unKnown
Lies unKnown
Lies unKnown
Lies unKnown