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About Joshisoz

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  1. -- content removed by poster --
  2. writing as i listen: You put these little hilarious hints of a major melody in there too that I just cant help but laugh at. This is quite good. Twisted. Nice contrary motion toward the end. Love that one run. Oh, theres that theme again. The pseudo-cacophony of the ending is gorgeous. Overall, very cool man.
  3. ha, i dropped the ball. links in the original post now.
  4. ahh im sorry, this is horrid. just record the guitars man. synth guitars sound like donkey. otherwise just use straight midi cause these are just as bad as the GM synth guitars. Honestly, I'm not feeling the dissonance and the harmonics you overlay onto everything are distracting. You should try putting some dynamics into the drums also. You know, hard soft hard soft on the ride and etc to trick us into thinking its a real kit.
  5. yeah id also like a midi. this sounds like it might appeal to my odd time fetish.
  6. ah i was going to listen to it too looks like your chance at being a big star is BUST now buddy!
  7. Recorded 4/5 of these tracks tonight (everything but sixe vetu). Its all electronica/post rock kinda stuff except for havenot which is pretty much just straight post rock. I'd love to know what you guys think of this stuff. critiques are welcome, particularly on the mixing end of things. www.myspace.com/joshuaevensen also, is there a way to change my topic title? i just want to make it
  8. I have made a website. Joshua Evensen.com it is my portfolio etc!
  9. Can anybody show me something with an example of this?
  10. Ok, so I was trying to figure this out a bit more because you guys still haven't really told me anything I didn't learn from the wiki article. In the attached midi, I kinda jerry rigged an example of irrational meter (my sequencer doesnt officially support it after all) so I guess just tell me if I'm right? What I'm TRYING to do is go from 4/4 to 4/3 then back to 4/4. Then 4/4 to 4/5 then back to 4/4. irrational meter example.mid
  11. Can someone explain it?
  12. You know, I think you guys are talking about the piece I posted in my other thread ;-).
  13. http://couchfiend.rpgforum.org/uploads/Presilian+Rail-+He+Bleeds+v2.mid This is a quick proggy acoustic piece. No main melody is in there yet, cause I'm gonna leave that for my bands' singer. I could use all your thoughts though, so have at it! (ps: the ending is subject to change depending on what she writes melodically)
  14. I don't really write a whole lot of classical and whatnot like you guys do, but I do write a lot of prog rock/prog metal, so i think the way I do things can relate since the genres share some of the same complexities. I generally write entirely off the top of my head. I sit down, and just type notes into the sequencer i use*. Then, after everything is written, I will learn it on my guitar and anything that isn't convenient or possible to play will get modified so that it IS possible. *I use guitar pro 4.0. I KNOW, scoff scoff right? Its got a much easier interface for me because I can simply use the computer keyboard for it and just type things in. No mouse required.
  15. Thanks man. The voice over was.. interesting. Couldn't exactly make out what was being said all the time, but that may have been intentional. Yeah, I figured itd be a bit hard to understand. Thats fine w/me though. Heres the text (I wrote it down afterwards): The Odyssey So we were sailing, right? In this, uh, this boat. And, uh, well, uh, lets see now, what is the, uh...? [i, well if... If you listen to...] Now, now when I first, I first stepped onto the boat, right, I um, I, , I, I was... My mind was filled with questions. And the question was this: Where is... Uh... Where um...? Where are we going? Cause thats what everybody wants to know, right? (obnoxious laughter) [Oh man, that never gets old...] So, so after several hours of land... Uh... I mean sailing, and no landfall, we um... You... Yeah, you could say that we were a little disheartened I guess, and I mean um... The captain, he uh, he was crying... He was cryin like, like a baby... you know? And um, oh God, I Remember it, I remember it real well. I'll have to tell you some time about it, Ok? I promise. Thanks for the thoughts. Appreciate it.
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