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About johovian

  • Birthday 02/23/1988

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  1. makes me happy too, I think the choppy bell chops are great against what could be melodramatic piano back there. I like it
  2. i think i definitely got into this , that sound that comes in at like :20 actually made me laugh. But yeah as the song went ahead I really found myself enjoying it, the changes and whatnot. My favorite bit is probably from about :50 to 1:40 or so, that part just felt a little dirtier and richer than the rest, but i like my electronic music pretty chunky so. anyway fabulous sounds
  3. these bunnies don't seem solemn at all. I think this is a peppy tune, good and marchy
  4. This is pretty unrelenting, I think our hero would be proud to triumphantly pull himself from the rubble and with steely resolve and scale the side of the dilapidated toy factory while henchmen's bullets rain down on him , while this plays in the background...really good stuff man.
  5. influenced by my recent trip to nova scotia Thats some shiner you got there. lo-fi URL: Start Player hi-fi URL: Start Player
  6. this is interesting...i don't know what to say really because i don't understand it, but it does do some pretty fun things and it is interesting
  7. i dont, and i honestly thought you were going to say it was all wrong , but now i have a little bit of confidence and i'm happy now...i felt so stupid here...now i feel less stupid...thanks
  8. this is the beginning of what i think might be a prelude, uness you say its not...then i'll have to change it musical song of music 2.mid
  9. ^^ good one
  10. laff if you like, but i put my heart and soul into this....okay not really but i'm posting it anyway Faith lo-fi URL: Start Player hi-fi URL: Start Player
  11. strawberry fields forever....i think is my favorite melody ever....Greensleeves is super sweet....there is this snickers commercial with some manly men singing it ...its actually a version that i'd like to hear like completed....but yeah i think strawberry feilds is a fav of mine....i actually should think because i know there are more
  12. I listened to this...and there were parts of it that i liked... i know next to nothing about the composition of a sonata, but i must say that i really didn't understand some of this...by that i mean i wasn't able to recognize the musical sensibilities of much of this piece...if that makes any sense...i guess i just didn't like it very much because most of it wasn't pleasing to listen to IMO....but its better than i could do... so you know...good stuff
  13. hah this is pretty cool, it would have been nice if you could have incorporated a sample of misirlou, but thats just personal preference i guess...but this is a neat track
  14. vell i see, hmm i guess what i meant was ...what did you use to make this music?
  15. i went to your myspace some days ago , but i forgot to post, now here i am ...posting...life is funny like that.. anyways some of those musics were indeed pretty offensive to my Victorian sensibilities, but i thought were really great...i really liked the way some were recorded...or mixed ..i'm not sure which but they were very interesting and loverly
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