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About MatthewSchwartz

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  1. Uh...you guys are completely missing point. No scraggy you can't build a library with $1000. His whole point was to limit it to $1,000 so you wouldn't be sitting at your computer for 5 loving days, trying to come up with a list. Aka, what you think would be the absolutely most essential. A stranded-on-a-deserted-island scenario.
  2. Well guys, the embedded player is looking good, however I'm still having some trouble with tracks playing. Can you guys in particular check if these three tracks: test war~peace love~heartache ...work? The latter two aren't working for me right now, and the "test" is streaming from a different server, so that might fix the problem. Thanks. :) http://matthewschwartz.webs.com/
  3. Ok, so I've got the player and it's working well for one track, but how do I encode a playlist for multiple tracks, like the one in your site? Can you post the code for yours? Thanks for the link, by the way. Provided I can play multiple tracks, it'll work well (assuming I won't have the problem of tracks not playing).
  4. UPDATED: REVISED QUESTION Embedding a music player via HTML has proved to be insanely frustrating. Can you peepz tell me which, if any, of the songs from the drop-down menu work? A Suite of Tone Poems - music by matthew schwartz For me, all of them work at the moment except for "Elegy". But "Elegy" was working just a few days ago, and certain others that are working now weren't working back then. So PLEASE tell me which of these work or don't work for you. :) Thank you very much! And gently caress HTML embedded music players!
  5. To be honest, I don't think it does. All too often have I heard music that implies one thing, and then the composer/songwriter is completely different in real life. And to be honest, I don't think I've ever written a piece of music that adequately embodies the entirety of my personality. I doubt I'll ever be good enough of a composer to do so.
  6. Using harmonic passing tones on unaccented beats is a safe bet. Using non-harmonic passing tones on unaccented beats takes a little more deliberation. Using harmonic passing tones on accented beats requires use of suspensions and the like. Using non-harmonic passing tones ought to be reserved until you've mastered the previous three "techniques". Remember that it's almost always passing tones that make a melody interesting. The only thing you have to fear is fear itself and bears.
  7. I love the first 30 seconds of Moonlight Flare! But after that, it kind of loses its harmonic and melodic "flare". Memory Waltz kind of carries on with that same lack of "flare". I think my biggest suggestion to you would be to play around with more interesting rhythms and more vibrant melodies/harmonies. The quarter notes and dotted half notes (when in 3/4) get wayyy too redundant, especially when the bass line keeps repeating itself. But the first half-minute of Moonlight Flare was, albeit simple, very promising. Work in that vein, but add more rhythmic/melodic/harmonic intricacies to spice things up. But it seems like you guys are very new to composing, so these are a great start. =]
  8. Nice music. Harmonically not very reminiscent of Satie, though conceptually I can see the influence. On a side note, does Box.net cost money? The site says it costs money, though it seems like many on YC use Box.net, and I can't imagine they all pay for it (though maybe they do).
  9. Regina Spektor's other music is good as well...
  10. I don't even know why you guys bother discussing this stuff, let alone being distressed if the discussion "fails". It's the internet. :sleeping:
  11. You don't need to "earn" any right to make a fool of yourself.
  12. Excellent advice. I'm sure he'll appreciate it.
  13. ...specifically, his string quartets and symphonies?
  14. What exactly do you intend to express to her...?
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