This is what I use to make recordings of the midi files that I make, without purchasing any software.
Note: Won't work for songs with tempo changes (that I know of)
Required free software:
NoteWorthy Composer
Acid Xpress (From Sony--Sonic Foundry)
Google them to find them.
I make it in NoteWorthy Composer, which though you can only save each file 10 times, you can just convert it to MIDI and back again, though I rarely use that many saves anyways.
After that, I seperate and save each of the midi instruments in a seperate MIDI file, but no more than ten.
Then, I open up Acid Xpress, and I import each MIDI file seperately.
I then adjust and mix them how I want them, with volumes, and panning, and such.
Then I simply Render it, using WMA 48 kbps.
It actually comes out sounding quite excellent, unless you have something with an especially broad range of pitches at once, like techno or something. It doesn't let you make MP3s or WMAs above 56 kbps, and 48 kbps is the one just below that. It almost always sounds fine, and the WMAs are always better than the MP3s are.
It comes out sounding exactly like it does when you listen to it, ensuring that your music won't have to pay for other people's crappy soundcards. It is also good for listening to on mp3 players.
Good Luck! :w00t: :glare: