I don't know why but I'm about to be slightly embarrassed once I click the post button. There are so many talented people here and then I come along! :blush: So this was one of my very first attempts at composing something, WITHOUT having a rock solid foundation on music theory AND composing in general. This was just me basically messing around, coming up with whatever sounded nice, and clumping it together into one "song."
And this song was for my friend who had leukemia. :( He's actually doing awesome right now so I'm glad, but he thinks I'm a total virtuoso because of the song I made for him. haha :toothygrin:
Anyways, I thought I would let you guys give a listen, despite the distractions around me as I play since this is a video, and give me TONS of feedback. And yes, this was one of my VERY first compositions...very rough, I know. Be free to criticize each and every part of it, as long as it will help me to become a better composer. :)
MySpaceTV Videos: the strength within-darlene by ??~*~!!??im her dork??!!~*~??
Sorry, no score or midi file, just live (not the best) playing.
Oh btw, I composed this exactly a year ago.