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About happilyeverrandom

  • Birthday 04/18/1992

Profile Information

  • Biography
    Been playing piano since I was 7, and I recently discovered composing.
  • Location
    Under a roof in California
  • Occupation
    high school student...nothing big
  • Interests
    Piano, drawing, doing crazy things, attempting to compose

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  1. okay this is is just chaotic. I'm SHOCKED to see that this very helpful place is closing down...yet doubting that it will actually happen considering the fact that it's April Fool's. Stupid "holiday", ruins everything for us. It sounds like it IS true, but then after reading comments from other people, it also sounds like someone's trying to mess with our heads. But that would be terrible!! gahhh....*sigh*
  2. ok, so when I was first listening to this, I thought,"ohhhh...this is soooo pretty...." And then the ending came. It really gave a different feel to the "prettiness"...it was like it was saying to me that all "prettiness" isn't perfect, that there's some sort of evil flaw always lurking out there. It kinda threw me off and left me hanging just a bit but it wasn't like I was screaming for more. I loved it a lot, very magical. :)
  3. ok, so the title is "finding loss" right? when I listened to it, it seemed ... like it was for more of a slightly "eerie" situation rather than something mourning for a certain loss, you know? and I don't know if it's just me, but it seemed like certain parts were just rambling around instead of actually staying true to the musical whole. Overall, it's pretty good; it just needs a little bit of a tweak here and there.
  4. systems??? oh gosh..haha never mind then. you explained the whole "stave" thing perfectly for me, cowboy. haha thank you. :) Oh, I have another problem. How do you attach a finale notepad file here? I'm struggling with a composition and I want others to analyze it but I can't seem to upload it.
  5. PrintMusic says you can have sheet music up to 24 staves. To me, that sounds kinda short. Or is that just me? What if I've come up with a 7 minute piece and it needs like 50 staves or something?
  6. *clears throat* yeah...anyway...haha well, technically I'm 15 but yes, I'm still in school! (hooray for education! :toothygrin:) Wow...discounts AND upgrading?? awesome! Soooo...if I don't like Finale Notepad ... I should just get Finale Songwriter? I've heard of others, but I can't really tell which would suit me better.
  7. hahaha teaser. well, I DO want to be a film scorer when I'm older but I'm seriously a little novice when it comes to composing so Finale Notepad is pretty satisfactory to me. :)
  8. So my 16th birthday is coming up and I decided I wanted some music notation software. Then I saw the prices for both Sibelius and Finale. *jaw drops* No way are my parents going to buy me one. They don't even want to send me back to piano lessons even if it doesn't cost that much!...Anyway...so I stumbled upon finale notepad, downloaded it, and ooh la la! I'm now putting my music into actual sheet music!...But the real question is...Is this just as good as all the other software you actually have to pay for?
  9. alright, I just finished listening to the last snippets and I think one little thing that SLIGHTLY bugs me is the end. to me, action-y, thrilling pieces don't need to show that they are ending and your composition kind of showed it was ending, which removed the whole "scary" essense to it. but that's just me. I just expected something chaotic and scary to come out in the end. overall, I liked it a lot; it's a really good considering how it's your first "action" piece. I suggest adding more "fortes" because suspense isn't really horizontal, if you know what I mean. It's full of high points, and your piece just needed a little more of that. keep up your good work!
  10. Oh. haha :) Do you have any suggestions on how to avoid repetition? The reason why I used repetition and variations of certain bits was that I didn't want the music to feel as if it would just keep going and going and going, then bam, it's done. I wanted certain bits to be repeated, kind of like a reflection on the music you've just heard. Like...hmm...lemme think of a better way to explain this. Like let's say you're walking around the mall an hour after it opens. You see the stores you like and you don't see many people and such. Then an hour later, you walk around again. This time there are more people and there seems to be more life in the mall. The stores are the same but they are busier now and....oh man, I hope I'm making sense, but that's kind of the direction I was trying to take. Taking little melodies and reinforcing them into the listener's mind...with a twist! :)
  11. Oh hey thanks! And what do you mean by range? Like ... expanding into other "areas of the piano" rather than the "central base" I was usually working on? (I really don't know what I just said) haha Please clarify since I'm just a little toddler when it comes to the technical stuff of composong. :)
  12. I don't know why but I'm about to be slightly embarrassed once I click the post button. There are so many talented people here and then I come along! :blush: So this was one of my very first attempts at composing something, WITHOUT having a rock solid foundation on music theory AND composing in general. This was just me basically messing around, coming up with whatever sounded nice, and clumping it together into one "song." And this song was for my friend who had leukemia. :( He's actually doing awesome right now so I'm glad, but he thinks I'm a total virtuoso because of the song I made for him. haha :toothygrin: Anyways, I thought I would let you guys give a listen, despite the distractions around me as I play since this is a video, and give me TONS of feedback. And yes, this was one of my VERY first compositions...very rough, I know. Be free to criticize each and every part of it, as long as it will help me to become a better composer. :) MySpaceTV Videos: the strength within-darlene by ??~*~!!??im her dork??!!~*~?? Sorry, no score or midi file, just live (not the best) playing. Oh btw, I composed this exactly a year ago.
  13. Very pretty!! It's really flowing and I don't know if it's just me, but there was a little "jazz feel" in some bits there. It's a little "questioning"...like you're not actually sure where the music is really going but you wanna keep listening anyway, but overall, it's awesome. :)
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