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About rock_on

  • Birthday 09/29/1991

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  • Location
    peterborough, ontario, canada
  • Interests
    music!! playing music teaching music! cycling, christianity, art courses

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  1. anyone?
  2. hi I've played alto for 3 years and baritone sax for 2 (currently madly in love with it) I think what you posted was excellent! I have a question for you though I'm very much into jazz and improvisation but many of the things I've tryed to transpose or come up with for sax sound down right horrible is there a key to making a really good improvised solo/piece thanks Beth
  3. Hi it's been awhile since I've posted but i recently wrote some lyrics and I'd really apprieciate some constructive critisisum. Oh yeah and one other thing before you read them I havent figured out how to record them and the music to go with them at the same time ...tips? Alright 1 of these is finished but the other still needs work Let it Fizz(my least favorite of them all) verse: thoughts ,friendly thoughts for the new kid in town note, silly note being passed all around it says shes a looser, a boozer, you laugh but inside you chorus: bottle of coke is fizzing like steam it's shaking like bacon but all that you do it keep it closed inside of you Verse: parents, angry parents they call you dumb teachers, crazy teachers let your parents sing on they say your grades are lower than scum, you laugh but inside your chorus bridge: decieving decieving you bleeding and heaving with all of your might to push things away from site and your going insane theres a hemirage in your brain but you just have to let it come loose cause breaking your bottle of feeling it freedom, freedom to being okay song 2 security hat verse: you woke up on a monday feeling somewhat out of place so on your way to school you bought a drink just to escape now on your way to pay you say it lying on a shelf a black wooly cap could it fill the void you feel put it on fix the back pull it down and bam its chorus: security hat, cause you can't take a chance on society pull the wool over your eyes but even if you try theres no hiding from reality just you warm..FUZZY... HAT thats all i have for that song so far let me know what you think! Beth
  4. hi for me it is defintely Charlie Parker's Take Five, I hope you all have a great Christmas as well! Beth
  5. I have read that for a couple of univeristies/ colleges in Canada it's expected that if one is in the music program they will be practicing 6 hours a day, but shouldn't you just have to practice or compose or what ever it is you do until you get done what you've set out to do. any thoughts? thanks as always B.
  6. Great thank you both for you help, I'll most likely look first for the playing quality side of things and depending how expensive it gets i may look into something that can help me with my composition as well Beth
  7. hi I was just wondering if most people here use a keyboard with a usb or midi cabel to create and print out their score. I am currently beginning keyboard lesson and am wondering if it would be a good idea to purchase a keyboard with the ability to create scores on. thanks Beth
  8. Hi I like what you've got the simple percussion part is nice and there's defintely a nice blend going on. I'm wondering about you ending though. There's a great keyboard part that i thought would end the piece, but then you bring the guitar in to the last 5 or 10 seconds, there's nothing wrong with that and call me crazy but it just sounded like it should end at about 4 minutes 5 seconds. nice work Beth
  9. Hello So I was sitting around last night attempting to right some song lyrics, most likely to be Christian rock. However the more i looked at the lyrics the more i thought hey these have a bit of a jazz feel to them. So my question to you guys is if Christian rock has taken off somewhat is there room in the mix for something called Christian jazz? Beth
  10. Yes i realize that but if you were to add lyrics or anything else to it then you might have a chorus therefore a possible change in rythm. Just a thoughtBeth
  11. thats very cool :blush: a little repedetive towards the middle but all n all sweet beat. Beth
  12. hi everyone! I just came back from the jazz camp i was at for a week and i have to say in that one week i learned more about music, composing and technique than i have in my entire life! If you like jazz or rock music then you should go to this camp. It doesn't matter where your from all though the camp is in ontario people come from all over, for example Bermuda and California its that good! Mike Murely, Keven turcotte they all teach at this camp. Anyways my point if next summer you want to invest in something very worth while then go to www.imcontheweb.org! :P Beth
  13. :cool: this is awesome, there's a lot more out there than i thought huh thanks all!! Beth
  14. Hi thanks for the imput, I defintely agree about originality being a big factor of composers these days
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