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About Patkk

  • Birthday 09/01/1992

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  1. dude... even the Title screams "win" I'll take a listen
  2. What does this remind me of? eh... I'll edit when I figure it out.
  3. I thought this might be a little interesting... I'll start first. 10th grade all state choir auditions 2nd round I was a bit sick that day. My throat refused to stop itching. So really, I just didn't do very well... number of times I coughed when I was supposed to breathe: 1 number of extra breaths: 3 number of sight reading blunders:2 number of mistakes that weren't sickness related:1 (well I COULD blame the distraction from being sick) I'm sorry I didn't fail in a comedic and epic manner.
  4. This might be the midi but it sounds a little choppy... then it seems to stop in places for no reason... that's probably just my problem... I like the first theme a lot. I'll read the score when I get the score when I'm not trying to fix up the internet on my dad's computer... overall I really do like the atonality mixed in. At times it feels a bit aimless. I'll tell you where when I look at the score. which might be tommorow at this rate... P.S. : I think its wonderfull that you're trying to improve :) double P.S. : I don't know anything, so don't take anything I say too seriously
  5. I half expected as much... I totally wrote 30 secconds and went "WOAH its 10 already and this is due tommorow" Thanks. I might come back to it (I'm not the most happy about it). I'll know where to start repairing the damage now. :) although the main goal wasn't exactly sadness... ok it was... after all meli is scarred and depressed or was. I got it off a two paragraphs (well two albeit on two seprate pages) Spoiler hilight to the * to view My tree needs somthing. I walk over to the desk and take a brown piece of paper and a finger chalk. Mr. Freeman talks about art galleries and I practice birds- little dashes of color on paper. It's awkward with the bandage on my hand, but I keep trying (bandage is from another attempt at rape before this part luckily a mirror beaks and she threatens to slit his throat)... It happened. there is no avoiding it, no forgetting. no running away, or flying, or burying, or hiding. Andy Evans raped me in August when I was too drunk and too youg to know what was happening. It wasn't my fault. He hurt me. It wasn't my fault.I'm not going to let it kill me. I can grow. *
  6. This was done for an English project It's suposed to be done for the novel Speak by Laurie Haulse (somthing like that I can't quite remember the last name) I can't help but feel it lacks completeness given the rush I had to finish it in. Any and all critiques are appreciated. By the by, since this is my first composition I am posting, I'd like to take this chance to meet you (pl). n.n Speakproject.MUS Speakproject.MID
  7. I'm going to have the stupidest and most unhelpfull answer. Most of the time, melodies just spawn in my head. If I'm having a good day, FULLY ORCHESTRATED AND DEVELOPED WORKS spawn into my head. It just hapens :pinch: The bad part is I often forget my best melodies since i'm not adept at writing musical notation quickly, and I don't have a keyboard to have a tactile way of remembering it. Who knows since most of the works I like best never make it to paper, they could be horrible, but I highly doubt it since the works that I consider to be OK are pretty good to the standards of others I ask to take a listen. Sorry my method is one that really can't easily be duplicated. You could try this though... Sometimes I'll start singing one song and I'll end up creating my own as a spontaneous invention. So try singing somthing you like and try improvising. That's about as much useful advice I can give. Again, Sorry.
  8. I have the same issue, or had the same issue. Then a very wise friend told me that she used to think her original characters always seemed too much like others in existence, but she loved them anyway. She said somthing like "Of course your music doesn't seem original to you, you don't smother them with enough love" that means pay attention to it and let it grow. I suppose all art forms are similar. If you write a book or story, you can't unlearn any stories you already know to make sure yours is your own. Subconciencly you will incorporate what stories you have read into your own. I think the same goes with art and music. Unless you take the time to develop your music it won't become somthing you're proud to call your own. As for sounding to baroque, maybe you just like how baroque melodies sound so without thinking you make your music sound that way.(I know I do) Dumbness: I used to think all my music sounded dumb. Take pride in your work. It's probably better that what most people can do. To have the creativity to think ANYTHING is a sign of talent. It probably sounds dumb because it isn't up to your standards. Solution: Make it un-dumb... if that makes anysense.
  9. I always get frustrated trying to naming my works. >.< Several go unnamed. It truly is sad. I will name things that I write for school or if I can point out any specific inspiration that isn't another song.
  10. bout 3 hours or so on a good school week. AP classes are killing my creativity one paper at a time. ( actually entire pieces tend to pop into my head durring classes. It truly is a shame to forget how they went when I have a chance to write anything down u_u) Zip on a bad one. >.< horrible isn't it however I honestly have no clue how many melodies spawn over the span of a week. Hundreds I supose. This week I thought up a fully orchestrated clasical piece durring the last 5 minutes of the AP chem lecture. Unfortunately It died about 1 minute after the conclusion of the lecture. :'(
  11. I'm 16 years and female. (Sometimes I wish I had a male range but that's a hopeless wish >.<) I'm planning to enter a solo competition for Latin. I don't know how to go about picking a song. I'd like to avoid anything too common. I've decided the best way to go about this is to cater a song to my own voice but being as uncultured as I am, I don't have any Idea what Latin songs would really suit my voice. If I really needed to, I suppose I could compose somthing, but I nearly always get caried away in the instrumentation and couldn't possible limit myself to one voice with a limited range and a piano. So I'd like to avoid a certain trauma I would experience by such limitation. Help please? I would really appreciate it :sweat: This might help Last time I checked, Singing Range: Bb4-G5 Extended Range: D3-Eb6 Tessitura: D4-D5 Other info: I do not have much natural vibrato, but there is some. I suppose to compensate, my register changes aren't very noticeable. I'm rather good with technically chalenging things as far music goes. Differentiating between notes in fast slurs isn't a problem for me. that's all I can think of right not. Any help is greatly apreciated. :)
  12. Somthing I wish I had. That was a useless reply. sorry. Couldn't help mysepf >.<
  13. I suggest singing any sort of warm-up for the voice. a lot. Then one day, your vibrato will magically appear, and there will be much fanfare. Really. Don't force vibrato. It makes you sound stupid. Ok, so maybe not stupid isn't the best word for it, but you will be looked down upon. Probably. It's silly, don't do it. That in no way means you should be afraid of your vibrato sounding fake, because it probably doesn't. Forced vibrato is pretty easy to spot because it sounds ridiculous, so if you're worried, listen to yourself. On the topic actually singing with vibrato, I regret that I can't really give you some sort of definitive technique. If there were, we all would be forcing vibrato. Keep in mind, vibrato is very different from one person to the next. I'm going to emphasize the word very. There is no "trick" to developing a vibrato. I would also like to note that vibrato has nothing to do with the stomach ( I mention this because it seems some people are under the impression that vibrato comes from the stomach). I would tell you to sing until your vocal chord's bleed, but that's decidedly a bad thing and probably counterproductive. Sing a lot. Have good breath support as always. Vibrato should be very natural. You really don't have to think about it. I challenge you not to do so for a while. Its really just a matter of getting used to your own voice and what it wants to do. At least that's what conclusion I have come to in my infinite 16 year old wisdom.
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