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About Dule

  • Birthday 01/02/1970

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  1. Dule


    ok. im learning composition and was wondering how you wrote first few measures
  2. Dule


    please upload score
  3. to me "lady" gaga is a piece of scraggy. "her" music it's nothing but a bad copy/paste of others like madonna or so. nothing new and that's way she desperate attempts to be a different by licking her own vagina in music videos. and above all she is so ugly that her mom first named her scraggy Happens.
  4. Dule

    Silk Thread

    ok, i'll try to switch the melody and accompaniement patterns, although i have tried to do the melody in trombones and the sound was bad, i generally do have problem with portamento sound patches for brass instruments. but i will try now to do melody in cello, and i'am thinking to employ piccolo at the end. thanks.
  5. Dule

    Silk Thread

    Orchestrated Serbian traditional song :)Silk Thread Silk Thread
  6. so you think this is not worth considering cause they pay trip to japan for winers, and somehow you think that's not possible or what?
  7. no, they will take your kidneys and sell them on the black market :lol:
  8. I found this site for composition competition, and seems to me like very good one. - Deadline to apply is 30 September 2011 - Any person, regardless of nationality, who is not more than 35 years old at the end of the year his /her application is made. - Composition for an orchestra, except concerto (no concerto), must be no less than 10 minutes nor more than 20 minutes. - Maximum Instrumentation: Flute 3 (may double with piccolo or alto flute), Oboe 3 (may double with English horn), Clarinet 3 (may double with E-flat or bass clarinet), Bassoon 3 (may double with double bassoon), Horn 4, Trumpet 3, Trombone 3, Tuba 1, Extra wind 1 (one extra wind except above kind of winds may be added), Harp 2, Keyboard 2 players (may take piano(s), celesta, synthesizer), Percussion 4 players (including Timpani) Violin 30, Viola 12, Cello 10, Double Bass 8 *A change in instrumentation may be requested if the unusual wind / percussion instruments are used. *No use of real-time electric amplification / modulation and no accompaniment of recorded sound tape/CD playing are permitted. Selected composers will be invited to attend the concert offering the premiere of their works. The sponsor covers necessary expenses for them to travel to Tokyo and stay there. http://www.operacity...award/guide.php Anyone interesting to apply?
  9. Dule


    I said never heard pieces, not composers :wink: eg. Shostakovichs 5th is one of my favorite. I think all of us (including great composers) is under some kind of influence consciously or unconsciously, and i was talking about that I wanted to achive the atmosphere and power of sound like in "Night on bare mountain" piece. I live in country where you can't hope that your work would be performed live even if instrumentation is: one violin. So all things you said is nice, but won't happen. Despite that i do want to learn properly instrumentation, i just said that issue comes after more important issues like harmony, counterp. form, orchestration etc.
  10. Dule


    @ LordNemrod thanks for listening, i am glad you like it :wink: @karelm also thanks to you, especially cause you take it more profound; i really like when people gives specific constructive suggestions, than just "stop trying to be like Holst" :rolleyes: or "orchestration is wrong" without saying what is actually wrong and should be changed. First let me say that I am learning compostion as well as orchestration and i'am still beginner. Second i would not use the word "influences" since i never heard pieces you mention, in my opinion nowdays is more likely that one would writte a piece that is reminiscent of something, than it isn't. Speaking of influences, i like "Night on bare mountain" by Mussorgsky which has an atmosphere i tried to achieve in my "Saturn", and will try in other planets i am writting; and all of them would be quite similar. Numbers of instruments are copied from sound library i used (ewql glod xp pro) except piccolos and bassoons, but if i whant a chord or interval in piccolo or bassoon i must ask more than one instrument (although I am aware that this piece will never be performed live, so it's not issue on which i pay special attention:) I agree that his piece would be much interesting if i played with harmony more, but i have to say that harmony and counterpoint is something i am learning trough composing. And i choosed Ab minor cause of this http://img821.images...us/i/keyso.jpg/ strangely notation software i am using doesn't have G#. Anyway, thanks again for coments i appreciate it, and i will study pieces you mention especially Shostakovichs 10th.
  11. Dule


    okey super intelligent being :D
  12. Dule


    @SYS65 i didn't know about reupoload media, so i will use it next time. In ewql violins are not the same sample just divided by names like in gpo, there are two sample libraries and they sounds quite different; and as far as I know the first violins are always more numerous than second. I am working on the other planets now, and i really don't have anything more to say about the Saturn lolz. @Tokkemon If i named this piece for eg. "magic swamp" you wouldn't think of Holst at all, so Maybe you are right about tempo change i almost never change incial tempo in my works, but i will have that on my mind for my next works.
  13. Dule


    i've accepted alessandrogozzo advice, and I made minor edits, shrinking a little bit some parts. it's still the same piece, but not exactly :D Saturn
  14. i like it, especially the opening.
  15. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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