1. Which software do you use?
2. Do you use it for composing or simply to typesetting
A mixture of both, it depends entirely on the type of piece. Usually I use it to typeset my manuscript work. Like Asparagus Brown I will write a first draft onto manuscript (this often seems like more a bunch of sketches than a draft, but usually are created more or less in chronological order) Then I will type up these drafts, often making slight alterations, and beginning to take formatting into consideration. Some pieces that I started before I decided upon this method are being composed straight into the computer.
3. If you use it for composing, do you find that it helps the creative process?
No, I find the lack of the flexibility that manuscript offers tends to hold me back.
4. In what ways does it limit your composing in either the short term or the long term?
I generally take longer to compose pieces straight into my computer than onto paper first.