Cool piece. It does have a sense of tragedy and hopelessness. The piece works very well to show that. But, I felt there should have been a more meditative section. If its about a guy saying bye to his family to go die in war im sure that as he leaves he will be deep in thought about his life at some point on the way. It could be having flashbacks of happy time, significant moments and such. So you could stop all the instruments at one point and out of the nowhere have a tender string chorale-like section, with no beating drum or perhaps have the drum beat occasionally with a more dramatic effect. Add to that a sorrowful soprano solo to add to the drama. This section would then represent a stop in all previous motion almost like as the warrior is preparing for war the thought of his family and life seizes him immediately. Then when the warrior comes to his senses and stops meditating on his family, the music comes back to its previous treatment(percussion, strings, etc.). Good work tho.