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About darkwonderer18

  • Birthday 08/12/1984

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  1. lol this is one stubborn child. fine, if you don't think you'll be playing the keyboard much, then don't even bother with it, just write your little theme songs on the computer. hopefully you'll start to appreciate the importance of keyboard playing one time or another, and only then can you start learning with real dedication.
  2. i agree with nikolas, that kid who's bragging about knowing john williams just wrote something ridiculous, he's either an expert prankster, or just plain silly. anyway, kudos to the kid for making us all laugh.
  3. to johnwilliamsfan: you should have more self confidence and believe in yourself instead of whining to other internet people whether they like your music or not. (try reading Emerson's essay "Self Confidence." That will really boost you up) If you really love your music, like you say, and are proud if it, then why do you continually seek approval from others? Just trust your own genius, and do whatever it tells you.
  4. wow, congratulations! you must be the luckiest composer on this forum. by the way, who was the conductor? was it maazal? he didn't screw up did he?
  5. Were the composers who wrote mass highly religious? I think bach and haydn were quite religious, but mozart, schubert, and beethoven weren't too crazy about Jesus right? They just wrote for the money? Also, out of curiousity, cygnusdei and punk, are you guys writing mass for religous and spiritual reasons?
  6. Dude, get a life. Seriously.
  7. 11 pages of kindergarten show-and-tell, and no one brings up Wagner. Preposterous! Wagner brought opera to a new sublime level, and created a new path of music all on his own, which no one has managed to surpass. (IMO) His Ring Cycle would be the most grand artistic project a single human being had ever managed to take in history. I mean this one guy wrote all the libretto following mythical text, composed all the music, invented a new instrument for this project, the Wagner tuba, and even designed a specific theater to perform his work. What a monster. And his music - so powerful and overwhelming, at times delicate, so rich with emotions, not even beethoven or brahms (whom i deeply adore) can take wagner away from me.
  8. what about those famous violinists like heifetz and perlman etc.? i have heard them playing Bach's violin concertos, and they seem to use alot of vibration. do they not care about authencitity?
  9. "arguing on the internet forum is like competing in the special olympics. even if you win, you're still retarded." sorry couldn't help it. :)
  10. should vibrato be used at all in bach's string music?
  11. Wow I didn't even notice. Well it can't hurt to revive dead threads.
  12. You don't have to understand this, because it's just a silly poll on an internet forum. No need to take it so seriously. Vote whomever you like out of those and just write down his name and add several exclamation marks just like everyone else here :)
  13. No more worries, the mystery is solved, I have found the piece through Melodyhound: Search within the Music and it turns out that it's not even a beethoven piece, but Arvo P
  14. Vivaldi's four seasons might work very nicely, since most people already know it. EDIT: forgot to mention Haydn's Seasons
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