The transitions are admittedly strange, especially the flute (I never liked the timing on it, but didn't feel like fixing it either). But underneath the the explosions and gunshots, I don't think it will prove to much of an issue.
Part of the reason the instrumentation is so ordinary is that I don't have a large sound set to work with (I'm using Logic 8). With Logic you've got your basic string samples, percussion/timpani, some decent brass, a few woodwinds...nothing too exotic. Of course I'd rather write the music within a notation program and have it played live with the whole complement of orchestral instruments, but playing directly into Logic is much more realistic for me. Hopefully I'll expand the sound library in the future.
Jada, I was not writing to picture (this piece was made as a favor, nothing professional) so I had no sound mix or images to work with.
I assume you mean live? Or just with a better sound mix?
Thanks for the feedback and the warm welcome; I'll be sure to have a listen to other people's work and give my thoughts.