So, I've been away. Away, battling crime with fun sized cans of diet coke (cherry and lime flavour) as well as creating pieces of music out of other people's songs. Imagine, if you can, taking a piece of Shostakovich, or Schostakovic, or another composer of similar name, and then, with his permission, cutting bits out, moving them around, adding your own bits, reversing bits, and generally poking around with it, and creating a new piece, that is the same, but different. Welcome to the world of reeeeeeemix (emix.. emix.. emix.. emix..).
So I did some.
Techniques - it's a remix. They give me the individual tracks of their recording, I mix them about and add my own bits. Structure is of little importance, really. I mean, you can hear it for yourself. Downward spiral took me about 3 months, I Hold My Breath about 2 months. Obstacles when composing - I wanted to make Downward Spiral just using their samples, but found it unsatisfying with the drums. So I added my own. And it all went nicely. Using a good ol' Novation Bass Station for the bass. Hm. It sounds so nice. Summary - listen to the originals. They're good.
Artsian Remix - Downward Spiral - go to to hear the original...
Artisan Remix - I Hold My Breath - go to to hear the original...
So, tell me how much you hate, love, or indifferent them. They are effectively the same work - imagine two movements. - They're similar. I can take one out and put it in a different thread if needed, but it seems a little silly maybe. I dunno.