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About Jen318tkd

  • Birthday 06/05/1983

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  • Location
    North FLORIDA
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  • Interests
    Music, Trains, Cars, Computers, Math, Art, Taekwondo
  • Favorite Composers
    Too many for this box.
  • My Compositional Styles
    I do my own thing.
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Finale 2006
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  1. Thanks J. Lee :) No, unfortunately I have not had any formal music education as of yet... I just started going to college full-time this semester (I was just going part-time and working full-time), so I hope to take the music theory class at my college in the fall semester. Any progress I have made is from trial and error based on YC critique and reading wiki articles here and wikipedia. I actually don't recall you being overly harsh toward me as a beginner, and if you were it must have been constructive because I've never had "ill-will" :P haha. I always appreciate criticism as long it can be useful to me in future pieces (I tend to use criticism here for past screw ups more to aid future pieces which I credit for my improvement). I'm glad you caught the meaning of the title... I usually post the translation but forgot to this time. Yes, this piece was intended to sound as a mix of emotions that do not get along or agree with each other. (In case you are wondering, I am not fluent in Japanese... wish I was!... I use Japanese titles because my music takes a lot of influence from Japanese or Asian music.) I put both parts on the same line because they are supposed to play in unison when there is not a "part two". For some reason I think it makes for a neater score to do it that way because they play in unison for about half of the piece. I definitely do not claim to be an expert on scores tho ;) lol Measure 18, the oboe part was supposed to be an echo of the flute part in the measure before... nothing in the piece was really intended to "resolve" which is why I gave it the title... it is supposed to be weird, I don't think anything I write will even be conventional :) I will have to try your drink creation... I love Sake :)
  2. Intended for two flutes, two oboes and two B flat Clarinets.I apologize for the poor quality of the recording... it doesn't sound the way I want in the recording. I will provide a score.Here is the soundclick MP3 link in case YC's MP3 player is down for any reason - http://www.soundclick.com/util/getplayer.m3u?id=9279395&q=hiThanks for listening :) Kuichigau
  3. Lovely piece :) The score is a bit sloppy in the beginning (the stem directions), easy fix though. Nice work :thumbsup:
  4. Thank you :) That would probably be pretty cool actually... I really suck at writing for strings, so it would make for an interesting challenge :P
  5. Thanks for the replies... Gamma, that is a good idea you have about the beginning and end... I'll edit the score later on :) Graham... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post_traumatic_stress_syndrome ...and yea it pretty much sucks. I guess the best way to describe it would be like if you were injured severely and had to wait for the injury to get better, but it hurts like hell in the process... this is the same way, but it is mental pain. I guess I can't really describe it well. The language is Japanese... I choose to title some of my music in Japanese because a lot of my influence is from Japanese music.
  6. "Hibiki" - Echo. Prelude no. 9 "Hibiki"
  7. I'm with you chopin - I don't really want to run that forum either. I don't care if it is there, but I don't want a part in it either. Who are the mods that will be in charge? (I apologize for the fact that I am a few weeks out of the loop - I moved and didn't have regular access to a computer for a while... if anyone wants to fill me in on the details of the FFA or anything else important that is going on, I'd appreciate it :) )
  8. I agree with Gardener. If it is going to be called an FFA, let it be a true FFA... very little if any rules. No kiddies allowed (18+ I believe was decided on[?]). Since there are no kiddies allowed and it is private, I don't see why they can't talk about whatev as long as it doesn't leak out (or is illegal - since YC is owned by a person in the US, I would say go by US rules...). Well, ok I agree with the no porn thing :P Other then that, don't limit it too much or it will become pointless.
  9. Oooh! I get your wall virginity!

    I haven't seen you in ages, giiiirl!

  10. SYS65 - the purpose of this video is a railfan / railroad enthusiast video, I only posted it on YC because I wrote music for it... the middle part with no music is actually the real purpose of the video. Railfans do not like ANYTHING covering the train sounds in a train video (and they are my target audience). The music was composed specifically for the video, so no there is not a longer version. Thank you though :) Ron - that is really cool... are you into trains at all?
  11. *moved from Off Topic. You will be more likely to get a response in a music related forum for this kind of subject than the OT.
  12. In addition to my still railroad photography, I also started shooting video for the times when lighting sucks or if something totally epic happens at night. A few nights ago there was a very rare train meet at around midnight. A train (northbound 202) that is normally through my area well before 11pm was delayed and did not come in until midnight meeting up with the southbound 121 who was right on time. Hardcore railfan videos do not have music while the train is actually being filmed, but I wrote music for the beginning and end credits. Even if you are not a train nut, you may still like this video. It was shot with only available light (basically, the trains headlights and the red lights from the crossing) so it is pretty neat. Dorena train meet, 121 and 202, 10/17/09 Direct link to youtube -
  13. Oh wow you are the creator of "Kiwi"?? That was seriously one of the best things I have ever seen! :)
  14. Great piece Justin! Very fun to listen to :) If I happen to be in the NY area in December, I would love to listen to this live! Will you be able to get a recording of the show?
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