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About Bradley_Strong

  • Birthday 10/11/1985

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  1. I Don't usually like alot of works on here but this one had some good themes i enjoyed it.
  2. it really depends on the properities of the idea you want to express. Usually i never really think about any of them(melody or harmony),i usually start with a main theme or themes and let the piece develop completely on that. But it is also dependent on where you want the theme(s) to travel,you might have to go out of you're way to insure a good transformation to a minor key if you want the themes to take on a mood that is more contrasting or vice versa. just start with a theme(s).
  3. C major and G minor i also like c minor and a major alot to i love all those D major too actually lol i like alot of keys more major keys for minor only c and g
  4. i adore perfection and balance .Mozart is my favorite composer.
  5. i don't care much for any romantic era at all, even the contrapuntal.(except for some Wagner i guess ).But the contrapuntal is definately more interesting then the melody driven.As far as emotion goes the romantic has the least real and most synthetic shallow emotion.i think anyways...The emotions of the classical era and baroque era feel more authentic and realistic
  6. i always thought that set of pieces (planets) were awful for some reason, not even bad they just make me cringe for some reason,they also seems sort of uninspiring and tired. actually at this very moment the disk is laying under my computer desk scratched up LoL
  7. i find the whole romantic era a bit boring and uninspring.to me it sounds like elevator music(especially MAHLER),the farther along in time you go.people say this about baroque and classical sometimes to me they are much more inspring and alive. on the other note many things i barely consider music but one might rock rap pop techno country etc blah
  8. wow so amazing such precise writing its so obvious you would never dare hock out one single random phrase just perfect musical engineering one diffrent note would ruin the structure of this flawless perfect piece
  9. w.a Mozart for creativity,melody,color,form and perfection of music but a few close seconds Bach,Stravinsky,handel,Wagner, Haydn, Zelenka,
  10. hmm i didn't really understand the fantasia. But i enjoyed the fugue alot. Something colorful about it.blues,blacks,reds i enjoyed the subject,counterpoint and imitations much to i did think it could be elaborated on and extended a bit maybe a with some emptiness. And calling to and from with frags of the theme with rest somewhere or something along those lines
  11. i thought these pieces were kind of fun.The first rondo had a catchy theme, but it seemed to repetitive. There seems to be the need for sharper contrast between the main theme sections. It seems redundant because the the other sections have nearly the same feel as the main theme.
  12. im not much a fan of this style but this seems like a well written piece regardless strong force , power and flow and lush colors.
  13. i compose mostly in contrapuntual style with canons and fugues and things integrated into sonatas also stand alone ones as well. BUT IT seems to have a much diffrent mood then baroqque but im obessed with the baroque era the most probably out of all the eras. LOLz
  14. Here is a sonata thats kind of fun in c major It is called happyland sonata. one of my early pieces from summer 07 Box.net - Free Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, Online Storage, Access Documents & Files Anywhere, Backup Data, Send Files
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