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About Rain

  • Birthday 02/21/1991

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  1. Yes, Piano Well i dont know know how to describe it...But its simmilar to pain you feel if you tottally stretch your fingers Thanks for advice... i think that general problem is that my tehnique is very poor. Cause in 5th and 6th grade i barely practise more than 1 hour weekly and after i finish 6th grade i didnt play for almost 2 years... I read somwhere that the real progress is not in what you play, but in how you play... i didnt completly understand this... i mean if you play harder songs, then your tehnique is automaticly improving, isn't it? Beside, what counts as tehniqe? Except that you play with wrist instead of hand and that you are correctly holding fingers? Stupid questions for someone who finished 6th grades, but as i said, i didnt play piano for long time. And thanks for all answers:)
  2. Rain


    Does there exist list of which pieces are for which grade? I mean for pieces like marche funebre, black keys...:)
  3. So i have problem... I am currently practicing very fast piece(tempo 200). It's pretty easy one, but i needed lot of time to play it at that speed correctly. However, there is one problem. When i practice this song, my hands start to hurt me. And if i practice it longer than 30 minutes, i got so tired that i cant play even most easyer pieces without mistakes. Does any one of you know what can i do to get rid of this problem?. I aprecciatte any help:)
  4. Does anyone else suffer from severe social fobia when it comes to performing?:( I have problems with anxiety since i can remember. I want to perform so badly, but im too anxiety. I had around 20 concerts between 2000 and 2005 and i play good on all of them, i made only 1 mistake, wrong chord once, but it wasnt so bad. However, before concerts i always had anxiety attacks, even week before... On the performace day i always puke at least 3 times and i had to take anti anxiety pill from my father to feel little less nervous. Lately i have problems with depression and my anxiety is much worse than it ever was. Do you have any idea how to "cure" it?:( I would be very gratefull for any information. I already asked my schrink for advice but he said that the only thing i can to do cure fear is to perform... (Anyway, my social anxiety is pretty mild when it comes to other things)
  5. Well i know that:) But its important how you practice, right? I mean i read a book which says that its not good to play by intuition, that means that its not good to play slow ht and speed up.... books says that first you need lot of hand seperate practice and play it together when you know notes really well.... And thanks for all replys:)
  6. i think its really good piece:)
  7. I have really bad piano tehnique. I ve been playing piano for 7 years, and then i stop. Now, after 2 years i start playing it again and i forgot tehnique. Plus, last 2 years when i was playing piano i barely practice at all=( So not much practice in last 4 years.... However, now i have motivation and im visiting teacher again. I am playing pieces for 3th-7th grade, easy song and harder, like mozart, but my tehnique skills probaly arent on grade 7 level... What counts as tehnique and how can i improve it, except with scales and etude? thanks for help:)
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