I couldn't say a whole lot that hasn't already been said. I do want to say a few things, though.
First, I love your low brass. I don't think you overused it at all. I also particularily enjoyed that three-chord resolution you repeat several times. I think you may know what I'm talking about. It reminded me a bit of the theme in Rachmaninoff's Prelude in C#m. I know I despise it when people say such things about my pieces, but I don't mean at all that it's derivative. I loved it; that's just the personal connotation it brought to my mind.
The negative, and I'm afraid there is some: the string section in the middle does extend a tad further than I'd like it too. There are bits in there that I enjoy, but overall it seems a bit too long. Also, the bells-I liked them, and I feel foolish giving this advice because no doubt you know more about this than I do, but beware cheap thrills. Bells are dramatic. They're, shall we say, and easy opening. I felt that your piece deserves a more original opening than three repeated tubular bell notes.
I did definitely enjoy this piece, though. I get along with anything minor!