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jsoldi last won the day on October 24 2016

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About jsoldi

  • Birthday 10/26/1980

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  1. This is an improvisation I made a few years ago and I find it went out pretty nicely. I'm not sure how I managed to leave the main key and then go back to it so naturally, I frankly don't remember what I was thinking while playing it but now that I hear it it just ended up being very circular. If you do listen to it please be patient as it's not very impressive in it's smaller components but I think it draws a pretty nice figure if you look at it as a whole.
  2. cannot be any more honest as im on this impro. trying to make the most sincerus music ever. wow.wav - File Shared from Box.net - Free Online File Storage
  3. hey how about giving us a way to hear your music, kinda like if music was made to be heard.
  4. twinkie.mp3 - File Shared from Box.net - Free Online File Storage
  5. I want perfect pitch because sometimes I get lost on modulations when hearing a piece and without perfect pitch I need to rewind to the part where I knew what the key was. Actually I think I might have "some" perfect pitch because I haven't heard Beethoven's moonlight sonata for some time and I didn't know what the key of the piece was but I heard a chord on one of these ear training things I'm listening to and reminded me of that piece (it was a perfect 5th, but there are several perfect 5th's on the ear training thing but only that one reminded me of the piece). Then I came home and tryed to hear the sonata on my head and played it on piano and I got the C minor key, and the actual piece is on C sharp!. So I was pretty close what do you guys think?
  6. Are u serious? I thought of doing that but as far as I know perfect pitch is not trainable. Did it work for you? Cause if it did I'm doing it for sure. Already did it ;)
  7. Does anyone know some CD or any audio training program that is ONLY audio so that I can put it in my mp3 and take it to my work so I don't waist my time while working? I'm allowed to hear music so it would be fine. ;)
  8. Yea I was using Mozart as a sample. Bach does so and Beethoven too and so do I on the last piece I posted (I'm serious) but it last 1 minute and it's not deep or rich enough. Well I'm just obsessed with perfection other than any other thing (like expression and that kind of stuff) that's why I lately make 1 minute pieces rather than rich and full of expression ones; I'm obsessed with making sense over everything else I guess that's because our age is so full of meaningless. I hate meaningless. I love Mozart.
  9. Mozart and... well just Mozart, managed to reach perfection. Perfection in music, I believe, is like perfection in math: "2 + 2 = 4". We all know that "2 + 2 = 4" is mathematically perfectly true, even tho is not perfect on every sense; is not perfect visually, is not perfect musically, but is mathematically perfect... it's just true. And Mozart is just that, true. I think music can be perfect, not almost perfect but perfect when the composer makes us focus on the perfect part of his piece, like when we focus on the mathematical meaning of "2 + 2 = 4". If we focus on the visual aspect of the equation then we wont find perfection, but the perfection is there, and I mean real perfection, not almost perfection but absolute perfection, if we focus on the meaning of the equation. The same with Mozart. He reaches perfection, he really, literally does. And he knows how to make us pay attention to the perfection of his music, that in so many other senses will be for sure imperfect.
  10. Well, is a way of accentuating the 1st and 3rd beats. It gives a jumpy thing to it. If you hear my playing but specially if you play it you will know what I mean. Actually, I just tryed it the other way and noticed that accentuating the 1st and 3rd beats and then the 1st at the next measure is a motif or rhythmic pattern on the whole piece.
  11. wayne-scales: LOL. I know what you meant I just missed it again I think Cubase keep doing that every time I open the file or something. The phrasing should be just the way I did in on the "fixed" version. I'll upload a fixed one later cause I also want to change a couple of things on the piece.
  12. wayne-scales: you're right, I just fixed the score (except the anacrusis thing cause I'm not sure how to do that on Cubase) and added some phrasing. Here's the link. cygnusdei: yeah I play it myself and thanks :)
  13. Was trying to make somthing that sounds like Mozart but it ended up sounding like Bach, but that's all right because what I'm really trying to do is something short but solid like a little diamond (Mozart and Bach are perfect examples of that) Sonatina.mp3 Sonatina.pdf
  14. I don't know if this already exists but I've been working on a program that will let you adjust the tempo of a MIDI piece to a variable tempo you can mark by hitting the keys of a MIDI keyboard. You can even play the piece as you want it to be and then the program will adjust the tempo to your playing (after some edition, basically after leaving the piece as a single melody line). This would be specially helpful if you wanna compose many instruments pieces. I always felt it was unnatural to set the tempo by drawing a line. The question is, then, do you guys think this program is sellable? I've been working on it for several years already but I'm not sure if I should keep going, it's taking way too long. Is there any other software that does that?
  15. well i just mean it makes sense. is like saying "Hello my name is Juan" instead of saying "Hello my doing whatever plus what". Is just like a gramatically well structured sentence. I don't know if there is an objective rule in music that does that like there is on grammar. I think it's a very subjective thing, I just feel it like a closed idea, like a circle. And I guess the prove is that u just said the ending is fun, cause that's exactly what i meant.
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