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About Arfus

  • Birthday 11/18/1992

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  1. Heey! I`m going to Study Radio and Soundproduction! And im quite shy. Is there anyway i can Practice Talking on Radio and Practice "Speaking" Tecniques? Also technical perspectives? This is probably the totally wrong forum but its worth a go! What do you guys think about my voice? Engish isent my Native Language since im from Norway. Going to a Norwegian school so. Heres some youtube videos of me talking. I`m the male voice. Stupid videos toh Thanks
  2. Hey! How do i get these kinda sounds On my Handsonic? DO i need to download plugins or so?Like in the video theres like "Bass" ish sounds. I`m not good at this :P
  3. Seriously? What are your professional view on Justin Biebers work?
  4. Anyone? Can anyone tell me if this is possible? Is it how the Djs make theire songs? or just using software like Fruity loops?
  5. Are there anything like a Ebook regarding to this issue?
  6. Hey! Is it possible to get Techno sounds with the keyboard? Like in the Scooters song?
  7. "Live played on my CME UF8 master keyboard, using Cubase (midi) and East West Symphonic Orchestra vst plugin." What is Cubase? and i can use logic studio instead? And also what is EWSOvstPlugin? Do i install it on my imac or my keyboard? sorry that im such a dumbass!
  8. But how do i get EWQLSO marcato string patch?
  9. But like if i want get the s aame hsound as in teh video? How do i do that? If ues using the Orchestra thing?
  10. How dose it work?
  11. Hey! I dont really have any singing skills or a good voice while singing. Is it possible to improve ones singing voice? I`m 18 years old. I recently started taking Keyboard classes. The same school offers singing/choir/vocal classes Is it allright to take those even tho i have ab ad singing voice? I could try sing something. Or i have some sound clips of me just talking. Thanks Arf
  12. I got a video itsl ike theone used in this
  13. Theres this thing which is round and and you use your fingerso n it and when you hit on diffrent places you get diffrent sounds
  14. I still need to know what each Note is called etc. What is a String patch? Is it something i install on my computer? Or can i install stuff on my Keyboard?
  15. Hey! Im jsut wondering how dose he get this kinda sound? I just started my keybboard lessons only hjad two. could i mange to paly this song fluently in 5 months? Including the numb by linkin park? I really want to play thoser two songs so what did he use? Anything like a sound library or so? im not good at theat kinda stuff. Software etc.. Please hlep. Thanks Arfus PS: Sorry for bad spelling
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