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  1. Hard to say. I really listen to practically all kinds of music, and guitar-wise I love people like Zappa, Hendrix, BB King, Clapton, Django, Gilmour, you name the whole gang. Glad you liked the first song. :toothygrin:
  2. Just finished my latest album, on which I focussed on practicing guitar and vocal improvisation in a variety of styles. All kinds of comments and suggestions greatly appreciated! 01. The Ba-Di-Dap Blues 02. Muziekje in de Nacht 03. Ik Ben De Koning Van Belgie 04. Is This Still Blues 05. Het Onmogelijke 06. Gratis Enzo 07. Indienfahrt 08. De Berend Botje Blues 09. War Woman Withdrawal 10. De Overkant (vaarwel) 11. Mooi Weekend 12. Koffie Koffie Koffie 13. Achter de glasbak 14. Ik Heb Niks En Jij Wel 15. Just When You Think It's Over 16. Steek De Ogen Uit Mijn Hoofd 17. Me And Some Wood You can download the full album in a ZIP archive at Sleutelbos. For those who don't want/can't/won't/whatever do that you can listen to them all and download the individual tracks over at SoundClick artist: Sleutelbos - Band page with MP3 music downloads on SoundClick
  3. Thanks for taking the time to listen! :) I cut the first part in tracks and uploaded them to SoundClick artist: Sleutelbos - Band page with MP3 music downloads on SoundClick for those who prefer that.
  4. Hey everyone! I haven't been here in quite some time, spend a lot of time practicing music since I last been here. As a matter of fact I just finished a project and I'd love people to listen to it and give honest critiques. :) I'm not sure if this is the right subforum, it doesn't really fit anywhere. If it's in the wrong location feel free to kill this topic and I'd re-start it in the right place. Everyone probably forgot about me so some little background info: started playing guitar four years ago, and piano 18 months or so after that. Been writing and playing music since, to the best of my admittedly not always spectacular ability. All music is written, recorded and produced by me on student budget. Hope I managed to make some enjoyable bits regardless. Anyway, it's a three-piece project, or album, and each part has it's own 'sound'. Part one (The Red Cat Philosophies) is very much guitar-based, mostly improvised and contains only non-dutch texts. The second part (De Oranje Ortolaan) is more electronic-pop, half-composed half improvised and all in Dutch. The final part (Quella Banana Gialla) is classical, without text and is mostly composed. All parts are one big track as I feel it makes no sense to listen to just part of it, plus they are small enough to be listen to in one time. Click on the images to download the music. Hope people can find something they like in it! The Red Cat Philosophies 01. But They Have Failed 02. Sura al Araf 03. Rock That Electric Church 04. The World Doesn't Seem To Move As Fast 05. God Can even save a sorrority girl 06. Happy Birthday 07. Where Has The Door Gone? 08. I'm Here For You Mom 09. I'm Dr. Phil And You're Not 10. In My Head Big Thanks to: George Bush, Ahmed Saud, Phil Steen, Hilch & fourdevils De Oranje Ortolaan 01. Begin Hello Head Breakdown 02. Dat Maakt Toch Niet Uit Man? 03. Voor Alle Fans Van Zure Regen 04. Yay And Erik's Apocalyptic Visions 05. Dennis' Zielige Leventje 06. Lelijke Vissen Buiten De Onderzeeboot 07. De Professor Struikelt 08. Lekkere Koalabeer 09. Als Je Niks Meer Weet 10. Het Laatste Loodje Big Thanks to: Erik Luiten & Robin van Rijn Quella Banana Gialla 01. Painting of a girl 02. I'm the space invader! 03. Broke but not broken 04. Loneliness & The coward 05. Wanneer het niet anders kan 06. Miss You 07. The New Orleans Blues 08. Spring or how it all began 09. Prelude to Enmity 10. Enmity Big Thanks to: Auke Thanks for taking the time to listen to it! You might have to wait a minute before the download starts but the RapidShare servers are extremely fast. You can also download my two previous projects from Sleutelbos. If you're having problems opening the files you can download Winrar (1mb) here: http://www.rarsoft.com/rar/wrar361.exe Thanks for visiting!
  5. Just my opinion, but some of you might want to take yourself a bit less serious. It's way obvious that Sepulker is being ironic and I seriously doubt that being ironic about oneself is a reason to look down on his 'music'. False arrogance is much more amusing then false modesty if you ask me. As for his music, try to be a bit open-minded. I know some folks here are strictly classical composers and care very little for anything sonology-related. That's perfectly fine but no reason for comments like 'ingenious my donkey. His piece is about as genius as a 1-month old child with down syndrome.' If nothing else you could at least note that he attempts to do something new and posts it in an obviously somewhat conservative surrounding. And if even that is too much to ask you could silently leave and give positive feedback to those you do think deserve it. Bashing other musicians is one of the worst things you could do. Doing it on the internet is even lamer. Anyone else wants to step on the soapbox? ;)
  6. Really doubt this is minimalistic (just as much as I doubt what you said about Turkey ;)) but it is a good piece of music. Hardly my style, but good nevertheless.
  7. This was weird, but interesting. I'm sure Moog would be proud of you. ;)
  8. Tweak: You can leave the 'relatively' part out, this should be very easy for any decent piano player, which I am not. But I'm trying and I will record as soon as I get my weighted master keybord in. In the meantime I wouldn't mind at all (understatement) if someone would take a shot at it. As for pedaling, that hasn't been programmed in at all, I find I usually come up with that when I actually play it myself. Or in other words: yeah, it could definitely use some pedaling. ;)
  9. ]\/[4: Thanks for the comments, and the welcome. Got some problems with my ISP but once that's settled I'll add you on MSN. One cannot know enough musicians, right? :) kcoul058: Yeah, the left hand is a bit annoying there. I'm still considering what to do there, I was thinking about changing left hand, keeping right hand as is until the modulated retrograde and then add a new theme. How about that? Nico: That's ok; it takes a bit of time to learn to appreciate music outside one's favourite style. But you're young, don't worry about it. :) johannhowitzer: Consider it done. Liedje_over_liefde__of_het_gebrek_daaraan___of_lvl_.mid
  10. Hi everyone! It's my first post here, hope it's going to be a pleasant stay. :blink: Anyway, I wrote a little song and I would love some feedback on it. Don't feel the need to hold back, if anything sounds plain disgusting feel free to shout it out. Grab an MP3 here. If you have difficulty using the soundclick player or want to download the song without registring: http://getfile.biz/17253 The sibelius score is added as an attachment and the score as image files can be downloaded here: http://getfile.biz/17258 It basically starts with the theme, which gets repeated with some minor decorations added. Then the entire thing gets repeated in retrograde with minor changes to make it fit better. The entire song till here gets repeated again, including the retrograde part, but modulates to a different key after which it returns to the original theme and ends. Hope you like it, and if not feel free to tell my why. :blink: ps. I've been playing piano for a year. The recording is done using soundfonts and it NOT performed by me. Will play it myself once I get the recording setup arranged. Liedje_over_liefde__of_het_gebrek_daaraan___of_lvl_.sib
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