Regarding the absence of indication of tempo, i just omitted it on purpose, because i want to represento a non specifical tempo..... there's no speed needed. as human being you can decide if you want to walk, which can be slowly, very slowly, or fast or even start to run... so it is mostly up to the performer.
there are some composers that just note the pitches and no other indication is given, like just only the little dots, without the queue from where you can define whether it is a 1/8 or 1/16 or else.. just the dot, with maybe the sharp or the flat, and that's it.. and you decide the speed and the tempo and the instruments... so it is nothing weird or unusual. just a technique.
freedom of doing what you better feels in that moment according to what u want to show... and the rests are there because i want the performer to count the tempo since there's no tempo indication... so the performer has to know when to start and when to finish and begin the sound. hope i answered well all your questions :) and if you have others, just say them, there's freedom of speech, you can ask or say anything, as long as you don't say it just to offend me or others.... you know?
for what concernes me, you can ask me (you as anybody..) all what you think, whatever question. music is freedom in feelings, one day u listen to a music and it gives you a feeling, according to your mood, the day after you listen to the same tune, but your mood is different so you feel something different. and so on....
ah, for the number of the bars i like the number 11 and 15, they have a special meaning for me, because i had some nice things happening on the 11th and 15th in many occasions in my life, so they are dear to me. that's it :)