Thanks for noticing that, you're right. :happy:
I may have mucked the MIDI channels up, but the soprano singer is the one thats at the very beginning, and comes in later after 1:28. So far she could be heard over the orchestra easily since it's playing quiet in those sections, but she will have a mic. I'm going to ask a friend of mine who sings in the choir I'm in at school to do it, she is a fantastic soprano.
Thanks everyone, I really appreciate your comments. I'll be sure to post another version when it's more complete, and defneately keep you updated about the performance. A few glisses, rolls etc. have not been added (including all the cymbal rolls etc.) because I'm just going to notate them in later, but I will make a mp3 mockup of this piece a bit later on. (I almost always write using samples, but in this case I have decided just to write with general midi and do a mockup later).