lyrics written by 14 year olds can be good too. you never know, if someone has talent....
anyways, about your lyrics, the syllabication in the first verse is strange. if you've already set it to music or have a melody in mind and it works, then thats okay. but if you have no music/melody then you might have problems in the future. right now the first line is 7 syllables, second is 7, third is 9, and fourth is 8. also, the syllibication in the first verse doesn't match the second verse. the second verse is 10/8/12/11. if it works with your melody, thats okay, but again, you might have some problems in the future if not.
by the way, i totally LOVE the theme of the song. i agree with what you're saying, and i think many other people will too. just keep working on it. :D