I think it's pretty obvious that you either don't know what you're talking about or are sufficiently inebriated as to obscure your mental faculties.
Dissection time.
Quite the contrary. It's necessary for the understanding of the mechanics involved.
No. Bad. Do not hide behind the guise of "many scientists." Find them and cite them, or forget about speaking about them at all.
If you're saying the "feel" of colors differs between people, try again. They're uniform because of evolution, not unique in spite of it.
Things like "blue sky" don't "feel" any way. You're mistaking sensation, perception, and emotional qualities. They are all separate and rooted in different faculties. You're committing the logical fallacy of equivocation by assigning the word "feel" all the vague properties of the word at once.
Should is a mental crutch. Nothing should do anything or be anything.
No. Consciousness is much simpler than autonomous entities. To evolve a consciousness is to take care of a ridiculous amount of necessary reactions to stimuli all at once. Consciousness is a one-off solution to a never ending problem, while autonomous entities must continuously be tweaked to adapt to situations.
Technically, there is. Both are rooted in concrete physical mechanics of wavelengths governed by either energy or vibration rate. The signals are decoded according to specific mechanical instructions in their respective sensory organs and the brain. The emotional attachment may vary, but not as widely as people like to think. Again, you're taking far too many liberties with the word "feel."