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About Jon

  • Birthday 01/27/1994

Profile Information

  • Biography
    Before curiosity was caught, I was the prime suspect for killing the cat.
  • Location
  • Occupation
    Musical performer at a coffee shop
  • Interests
    Writing/Performing music...DUH

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  1. Okay, as you probably know, I've used Finale Notepad for all of my compositions. But I have recently been informed of another free notation software, from Myriad, called Melody Assistant. It has almost all of the features that Notepad has, but you can have up to I think 24 staves, you can have repeats that playback, and even change tempo in the middle of a piece. It also has many more accents/articulations to use, and they play back very well. However, you still can't change key or time signatures, and you can only write in 4/4 time. So yes, it is a compromise. I use both now, Melody Assistant for big orchestral things, and Notepad for pieces in different time signatures. I will inform you that anything you've written in Notepad is incompatible with Melody Assistant. Well, if you like this better than Notepad, here ya go: Melody Assistant
  2. Artist: The Rippingtons Song: Weekend in Monaco
  3. Somebody found it ;)
  4. Here's my first attempt at a subliminal message!!!! I just want to see if anybody can hear it without my help. I don't think anybody without Finale of some type will be able to find it, but perhaps some of the good ears on the site will... P.S. If you have any strange urges to jump off a cliff or eat spinach, that's not what's supposed to be in it at all. Subliminal Message.MUS Subliminal.MID
  5. Just to clear thing up, I looked up the range of a flute. The highest flute pitch in the piece is a C twice above the bar line. I just checked, and that's the highest note on normal flutes. So I'm just barely in the range. Thanks guys for all your comments!!
  6. I really enjoyed this piece. Although I didn't know what most of the things in your "structure" were, it sounded fine to me. I thought that when the entire orchestra played together, it was a bit crowded. Maybe that's just the midi, but it seemed to me like there was too much happening at once. Anyway, I enjoyed listening to it, I was intrigued throughout the piece. Great job!:) I wish I could compose like you...and had your username...it's cool. Oh, and here's a score: orchestrapiano.MUS
  7. I liked most of the themes you had in the piece. I did think it was a little repetitive, perhaps shortening it would help fix that. I did enjoy the piece, although Finale serves no justice to dynamic markings. I especially liked the ending, and thought that you put alot of time into the piano chords, which ended up sounding good. Nice job, keep it up. I can't wait to see what else you can do :) ~Jon~
  8. New version is up, I have updated all of the files and added an mp3 link. ;) The Finale file sounds the best, though...
  9. You already know about my critiquing abilities, so here goes: I enjoyed listening to the piece. I never had any desire to stop listening and check out something else. I was intrigued throughout the piece. I especially liked what was happening at measures 8 and 12, and the similar parts throughout the piece. I thought the mp3 violin sound did a great job with the glissandos and whatever that bendy-ish thing is called at measure 8, which just made it sound even better. I personally thought the ending was awesome, as most of your endings are. I would love to see this performed live, because as soon as it was over, the entire audience would applaud immediately, as M_is_D already said. Overall, I liked the piece. I think the title suits it quite well, and if I could play the violin, I would want to play this. Keep up the good work! Jon ~B~
  10. That was pretty cool. I thought the ending was awesome, the final chord always surprises me every time I hear it. I'll be listening, listening, listening, listening, and then :w00t:BOOM:w00t:! But anyway, I really enjoyed the piece, all of your pieces are interesting, and never boring. And yeah, I'm suprised Tim Burton hasn't hunted you down yet. Although I can't say much about "harmonic progression" and whatnot, seeing as I don't even know what that is, I enjoyed it, and I think that's what counts. Me enjoying it. :P
  11. I wanted to learn more about composition and whatnot, and I wanted to talk to real and experienced people. And since I'm a random person, I typed it in just to see if anything would pop up. No, I had never heard of this site before. Although I was thrown off by the wiki format, and how professoional it all looked, I started to browse through the compositions. I started off with the major works, and was really impressed by the compositions and the composers. I realized that members were giving helpful advice, and that this would be a good place for me. And my private lessons instructor told me that I should look to expand my composition along with my playing abilities. So yeah, I just really liked the place, but I had to wait until we got a new computer and high-speed internet, because I didn't have an e-mail at the time. So about 4 months later, I joined and stayed. Again....TA-DAAA!!!!!
  12. I seriously typed in youngcomposers.com in the url box, just to see what popped up. And now I'm here. TA-DAAAAA!!!!!
  13. :huh: There's nothing wrong with using notepad. I use notepad, mainly because I currently don't have $350 on me right now to buy the real version, but I've been fine without it. All of my current pieces were written with Finale Notepad. Although I don't have garageband right now, I used it a lot a school, and you can compose your own pieces with it. There's a way to enter in your own notes as sheet music. It might be harder than Finale, but it works once you get used to it. So there! You can be a composer using Notepad or Garageband! :whistling:
  14. 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download egggalaxy.mp3 by Koji Kondo Jurassic Park Main Theme + Welcome to Jurassic Park Theme by John Williams Canon (I think it's called) by Johann Pachelbel November Rain by Guns*N*Roses Weekend in Monaco by The Rippingtons
  15. Hey, I thought it conveyed a voyage quite well. It is very hard for anybody on this forum to critique a piece without a score, could you please post the original one? One thing I would do is try to make it longer. Here is some sheet music, it might not be right, but it's what finale came up with when it opened the midi file. Anyway, I took the midi file and turned it into an mp3 file, I think it sounds a little better. Here: 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download thevoyage.mp3 EDIT: I didn't know this was in incomplete works. I simply followeed the link, but sorry about the making it longer comment voyage.MUS
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