Okay, as you probably know, I've used Finale Notepad for all of my compositions. But I have recently been informed of another free notation software, from Myriad, called Melody Assistant. It has almost all of the features that Notepad has, but you can have up to I think 24 staves, you can have repeats that playback, and even change tempo in the middle of a piece. It also has many more accents/articulations to use, and they play back very well. However, you still can't change key or time signatures, and you can only write in 4/4 time.
So yes, it is a compromise. I use both now, Melody Assistant for big orchestral things, and Notepad for pieces in different time signatures. I will inform you that anything you've written in Notepad is incompatible with Melody Assistant.
Well, if you like this better than Notepad, here ya go: Melody Assistant