This is a serenade for 13 wind players. It features pairs of flutes, clarinets, oboes, bassoons, 2 pairs of horns, and a single contrabassoon. This is the same instrumentation as Richard Strauss's Serenade, which was the inspiration for this piece. However, the orchestration itself is not inspired by Strauss, only the concept and instrumentation. The orchestration is much heavier, in my opinion, than tradional harmonie musique. Thicker than Strauss, and certainly thicker than Mozart! It opens with a flute solo, then a repetition with clarinet and oboe on the melody (F minor). It roams around in F major for a bit as a result of a Picardy third at the end of the first phrase. However, we eventually wind up in the tonal center of A-Flat for a horn solo. The piece reaches a climax about 3 minutes in. A slight break --- A clarinet melody accompanied by the other clarinet and one pair of horns. The oboe joins in. After a flourish or two, the upper winds wind us down to the denouement with a single oboe on a C. After a brief caesura, the horns recapitulate the beginning flute melody. The rest of the ensemble joins in for the last four chords (VI, half-diminished ii, V7, I.
Serenade for Winds